'Politically Correct Terms for 1991 . . . '
old new ----------------------------------------------------------------------- conservative reactionary The Establishment White Power Elite blind visually challenged mute vocally challenged dead metabolically different alive temporarily metabolically abled ugly aesthetically challenged psychopath socially misaligned bald follicularly challenged white melanin impoverished/genetically oppressive white male oppressor dairy where cows are raped ranch where cattle are murdered egg ranch where hens are raped fishing raping the oceans farming exploiting mother earth paper bag processed tree carcass
Many labels from the 80's are now passe. Here is a partial list of new denotations (all such labels are subject to change without notice).
old 80's 90's --------- -------------------------- ------------------------- deaf hearing impaired aurally challenged blind sight impaired visually challenged retarded mentally handicapped mentally challenged queer gay/homosexual queer [strange but true] fat big-boned alternative body image
At my office we have two bins for recycling paper. One is labelled "White paper only"; the other "Colored paper only." Later I found "Colored paper" scribbled out and "Paper of Color" written above it...
It is difficult to keep up with all the new politically-correct terms. Cartoonist Gary Trudeau may have covered all tracks when he began a recent speech at Yale University as follows:
"Dean Kagan, distinguished faculty, parents, friends, graduating seniors, Secret Service agents, class agents, people of class, people of color, colorful people, people of height, the vertically constrained, people of hair, the differently coiffed, the optically challenged, the temporarily sighted, the insightful, the out-of- sight, the out-of-towners, the Eurocentrics, the Afrocentrics, the Afrocentrics with Eurailpasses, the eccentrically inclined, the sexually disinclined, people of sex, sexy people, sexist pigs, animal companions, friends of the earth, friends of the boss, the temporarily employed, the differently employed, the differently optioned, people with options, people with stock options, divestiturists, deconstructionists, home constructionists, home boys, homeless, temporarily housed at home, and, God save us, the permanently housed at home."
With today's affirmative action and politically-correct speech, it is no longer acceptable to say "handicapped" or "disabled". "Challenged" is now the acceptable term. Such was the case when a radio talk-show host in Maryland recently reported a traffic jam caused by a "mechanically-challenged" vehicle.
Last Updated 15 August 1998