ANDROPAUSE (OR VIROPAUSE), n. The end of virility. [blend of virility and menopause
Context and Source: "andropause or viropause, the end of virility," (Newsweek
ARTSY, adj. pretending to be artistic. Overly artistic. [Compound of arts + 'y' (adjectival ending, "have the characteristic of")]
A.S.S. GRADUATE, n. A long-winded person (who's attended the "American Sidebartending School"). [Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Found in Newsweek]
AUDIOPHILE, n. One who loves and collects audio equipment and media [compound from L. audio 'hear' and G. phile 'loving'] Context and source: "Being an audiophile, I own an 8 track player, phonograph, cassette player, CD player, DAT recorder, and a Minidisc player." (Conversation)
AUTO "DENTIST", n. One who repairs dents, hail damage, and other types of minor damage on automobiles. ["dentist" to mean "one who repairs dents."]
Context and source: "Auto 'dentist' specializing in dents, dings, and hail damage; high quality, affordable rates,"advertisement painted on the auto dentist's car. (used by persons associated with car body repair--none phrase
BACK STORY, n. The events of a character's life prior to the start of a fictional story. Also used metaphorically to mean "background"[compound of "back" and "story"]
BAGGRAVATION, n. A feeling of annoyance and anger one endures at the airport when his
bags have not arrived at the baggage carousel but everyone else's bags have [blend formed
from words bag and aggravation].
Context and source: "Nancy couldn't help but feel baggravation as she watched other
passengers get their luggage and leave the airport." (Internet)
BENEDICT, n. [alter, of Benedick] a newly married man who has long been a bachelor.
[based on the Shakespearean character from Much Ado About Nothing]
Source: Word a Day
BFE , adj. Very far away: Beyond Fu**ing Egypt. also B.F.E., b.f.e. [Acronym. Egypt was
chosen somewhat arbitrarily as a country on the opposite side of the world. Variant:
Bomfoq Egypt]
Context and source: "My car is parked BFE!" (Conversation)
BIG-EYED, adj. One who eats when s/he is not hungry; greedy. [compound of big+eye+d
'adjective forming]
Context and Source: If I see food, I want to eat it. I'm so big-eyed. (Conversation)
BLADING, v. The act of rollerblading, or skating while wearing a modified version of
rollerskates called rollerblades which have only one continuous line (a blade) of wheels
on the underside of each boot [clip of verb rollerblading ].
Context and source: "I'm going blading around the inner loop if you want to
come." (Conversation)
BRONCO BAG, n. Tarp material used to protect well-coifed TV types from sun or rain. [Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Found in Newsweek]
BTW, conj. Shorthand method of expressing by the way, commonly used in office
memorandums and email communications.
Context and source: "BTW, there's a diversity training class meeting at 1:00 in the
conference room." (Memorandum at work)
CADILLACING, v. Slang. Relaxing. syn. chilling.
Context and source: "He didn't work at all. He was just cadillacing."
CAMPOS, n. The campus police who patrol Rice University; refers to either one
policeman, a group of them, and/or the collective entity of policemen. [clipping/blend of
'campus' and 'police.']
Context and source: "You could get a ticket from the campos if you park your car
here." (Conversation)
CARJACKING, n. An incident by which a usually armed individual coerces the driver of an
automobile to give up his vehicle or drive it and the assailant to some specified location
[blend of car and hijacking ].
Context and source: "A carjacking at the corner of Cherry Lane and the Interstate 30
access road has left local residents shocked." (KXAS Local News, 9-28-96)
COMETISED - adj. used to describe Netscape when it freezes or jams. [ based on the
observation of a "shooting star" or a comet (cannot really tell) that appears on
the Netscape button, in the upper right corner of a Netscape browser. ]
Context and source: "Oh geez, Netscape is cometised." (Internet Newsgroup)
CORDS, n. A garment or article of clothing made of corduroy fabric. [Clipping of
Context and source: "Hey, I like your cords!" (Conversation)
CROSS-TRAINER, n. A type of athletic shoe designed for cross-training, an all
encompassing fitness routine which involves running, weight lifting, and other sports
[compound formed from roots cross and train + -er ].
Context and source: "The new Nike Cross-Trainer." (Advertisement, Sports
Illustrated 9-30-96)
DATE RAPE, n. An incidence of forced sexual intercourse by one of two individuals after
an initial social encounter, usually a date [compound formed with roots date and rape ].
Context and source: "You Can Protect Yourself Against Date Rape" (Flyer at
Hanszen College, Rice University)
DEFLICTED,adj. Affected with a condition that misshapes or distorts. [Blend of
"afflicted" and "deformed."]
Context and source: "I wouldn't want my girlfriend to have the deflicted body of a
rower." (Conversation)
DETOX, n. A clinic or treatment facility at which substance abusers attempt to rid
themselves of dependency on a particular drug. Part of this process entails the actual
physical removal of toxins present in the body due to the abuse of a substance [clip of
detoxification ].
Context and source: "Mrs. Herrod checked herself into detox..." (Conversation)
DISORIENT EXPRESS, n. A state of confusion. [novel formation].
Context and Source: "I felt like I was on the Disorient Express for good this
time."(Newsweek 11/14/96)
EARWITNESS, n. An individual who hears an incident occur, especially one who later
gives a report on what he heard [blend of ear and eyewitness ].
Context and source: "I didn't see what happened, I just heard it. I guess I was an
earwitness." (Conversation)
EATERS COMA, n. A condition characterized by sluggishness, sleepiness, and often a lack
of motivation to do anything but rest/relax or sleep; a condition whose onset occurs
shortly after a meal, usually dinner.
Context and source: "I have a lot of homework to do, but I just ate a big dinner and
now I've got eaters coma." (Conversation)
EATERS DEATH, n. The acute form of eaters coma; characterized by difficulty in standing
up and walking, onset occurs after an extremely large meal.
Context and source: "I've got eaters death and I don't think I can get up from this
EBONICS, n. Black English Vernacular [Blend of ebony and phonics]
E-MAIL, n. An application of personal computers through which messages are
automatically (electrically) sent through networks of computers to Electronic mailboxes
[clipped compound formed from electronic and mail ].
Context and source: "I need to check my e-mail" (Conversation)
EMOTICON, n. A symbol, usually found in e-mail messages, made up of punctuation marks
that resembles a human expression. [Blend of emotion and icon]
Contex and source: " I received a strange symbol at the end of an e-mail and was
informed that it is called and emoticon."
FANTABULOUS, adj. beyond fabulous. [blend of fantastic and fabulous]
Context and source: "It's fantabulous!" (Conversaton with classmate Amir Brown)
adj. Excellent, superlative, both fabulous and fantastic. [blend of fantastic and
Context and source: "This fantabulous four-poster bed can be yours..."
(Television advert)
F.I.N.E, adj. acronym (F*cked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional). Usually
indicated by tone of voice.
Context: "We all know he's F.I.N.E, just like those freaks he hangs out with."
FLAGGIN', v. Slang. Flashing or giving gang signs. [derived from flag - to flash. ]
Context and source: Don't go flaggin' in the wrong 'hood or you gonna end up dead.
FLAME, v. A personal attack within a post on Usenet. [metaphorical extension of flame]
Context and source: "Please don't flame me if you disagree with this." (Usenet
FLOW, v. Slang. Rapping. [from the observation that rapping usually contains long
strings of text without many pauses]
Context and source: "Flow on the mike." (Conversation)
411, n. Information or informative details, usually about a planned event or activity.
Also 4-1-1. [ One usually dials 4-1-1 on the telephone to reach an operator in order to
inquire about some piece of information one is searching for.]
Context and source: "Here's the 411 on the crabbing trip." (heard in
FRO-YO, n. A frosty, creamy dessert; frozen yogurt. [clipping of frozen yogurt]
Context and source: "Chocolate fro-yo is my favorite dessert!" (Conversation)
FUNKINETICS, n. a very energetic form of step aerobics that mixes exercise and soul
music. [Blend of funk and kinetics (motion).]
Context and source: If you like soul music and aerobics, you'll like funkinetics. (KPRC
Houston 10pm news)
FUNNY, n. A joke; a humorous comment or remark, sometimes unintentionally humorous.
[zero-derivation of adj. funny]
Context and source: "Did I make a funny?" (Conversation)
FURTHER-FETCHED, adj. Beyond far-fetched [Compound further and fetched]
Context and Source: "That's even worse. That's further-fetched." (Lecture)
GARDEN BURGER, n. A hamburger made with a non-meat, vegetarian patty instead of beef,
served by Rice University Food Service. Also gardenburger.
Context and source: "The garden burger is a healthy alternative to a hamburger."
"GARDEN TOOL" MAMA, n. Slang. a prostitute. ["Garden tool" is a
euphemism of the vulgar slang ho, which is a derivative (euphemistic respelling) of
Context and Source: She is nothing but a "garden tool" mama. (Conversation)
GET FUNGED, Epithet for when someone bungles an important task ( in honor of criminalist Dennis Fung). [Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Found in Newsweek]
GINORMOUS- adj. extremely large [blend of gigantic and enormous]
Context and source: "Oh my! It is not gigantic. It is ginormous!" (Conversation)
GLOBOBOSS, n. A cosmopolitan executive that has the ability to perform well across the
Context and Source: "Wanted a globoboss who's at home anywhere and sings the same
tune- profits- everywhere." (Newsweek 12/2/96)
HANZOUND TM, n. The sound system at Hanszen College, Rice University. adj. The
presentation of a production using the Hanszen sound system. [combination of
"Hanszen" College and "sound". The capitalized "Z" serves to
separate the two constituent parts of the word. Also, only "-en" was clipped off
of "Hanszen". Also, "s" and "z" are similar in sound (differ
only in voicing) which allows for the particular type of blending and clipping in this new
Context and source: "The Hanszen Movies Committee presents A Christmas Story in
HansZound TM." (from a flyer posted at Hanszen College)
HOT-SEATING, v. To use the same boat but switch out rowers for consecutive races, as in
races that occur immediately after another. [Rowers' jargon]
Context and source: "We're hot-seating the next race." ( Conversation)
IMHO, In My Humble Opinion [Acronym used on the Internet]
INTERQUEL, n. A television production that dramatizes a story lying temporally between the story in the original production and that of its sequel. [Analogical formation from model word sequel, first extension prequel via recutting to form new morpheme quel; then prefixed with inter- 'between']
Context and source: "Having written and filmed a "Lonesome Dove" sequel and prequel, come about 1997 Mr. McMurtry plans to finish an interquel "Comanche Moon," about his heroes' prime adulthood." (New York Times 5/12/96)
ITO'D, v. To get hit on the head, especially with a TV crew's boom microphone. [Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Found in Newsweek]
JAPANIMATION, n. A type of cartoon or animation originating in Japan carrying robotic
and futuristic themes.
Also refers to the style of animation. The characters have a distinctive type of
appearance, usually incorporating a lock of hair hanging in front of an eye, and nudity.
Also known as anime. [Blend of Japan and animation].
JONES, n. Slang. An intense desire.
Context and source: "Geez, you really got the jones for her." (Conversation)
JORDANESQUE, adj. reminiscent of Michael Jordan. [coined by NBC Sports commentator Marv
Albert. The -esque ending means 'like', as found on words like Romanesque and statuesque.]
Context and source: "He made a jordanesque move under the basket."
K-MART EXPRESS, n. Vulgar. Nicely put, a cheap tart. [derived from the notion that
K-Mart sells cheap goods, and express meaning quick.]
Context and source: "All his girlfriends is K-Mart Express. " (Interview on the
Ricki Lake Show)
KRUNK, adj. Slang. Awesome. syn. tight, cool. [? blend of funk and (k)ool; African
American Vernacular English]
Context and source: That was a krunk song. (Conversation)
LATE PLATE, n. Dinner/meal eaten after the regular (family-style) dinner is served
(Rice University).
Context and source: "Late plate doesn't start until 6:15." (Conversation)
LOC, n. Slang. gangster, as in a member of street gang. [derived from the Spanish word loco
meaning "crazy."]
Context and source: "Don't mess with Steve, he's a loc." (Conversation
explaining gang terminology)
LOCS, n. Slang. dark sunglasses.
Context and source: "¿Donde está mis locs? [Where are my sun glasses?]"
(Conversation explaining gang terminology)
LOSINGEST, adj. In last place, worst off, lagging behind the rest. ["losing"+
Context and source: "CBS is being asked to pay producers more for its series because,
as the losingest network, CBS cancels more of them." (Wall Street Journal 09 Feb.
MACINTRASH, n. A Macintosh computer. Derogatory reference. [blend of Macintosh and
trash ].
Context and source: "I hate doing work on these d*** Macintrashes!"
MALLRATS, n. Collective term used for pre-teens and teenagers for whom it is
commonplace to spend large amount of time socializing and wandering through urban shopping
malls [compound formed from roots mall and rat].
Context and source: "I really don't want my sister running around with that gang of
mallrats." (Conversation)
MCJOB, n. A job in a service related field with low pay, low prestige and little
opportunity for advancement [analogous word formed from prefix Mc- and job ].
Context and source: "...a message that I suppose irked Dag, who was bored and cranky
after eight hours of working his McJob." (Generation X, pg. 5)
MEDIA LEAKS CENTER, n. The row of Porta Potties (portable public toilets) outside the courthouse. [Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Found in Newsweek]
MEANDERTHAL, n. An annoying individual moving slowly and aimlessly in front of another
individual who is in a bit of a hurry [blend formed from meander and neanderthal ].
Context and source: "As much as he tried, Ben could do nothing to get around the
meanderthal on the narrow sidewalk." (Internet)
MOTO, n. Energy for action toward a goal; motivation. [clipping of
Context and source: "I need some moto to go workout at the gym
NETIZEN, n. A person who spends an excessive amount of time on the Internet. [blend of
Internet and citizen].
Context and Source "...investors and Netizens alike were left wondering what went
wrong. ( Newsweek).
NOAH'S ARKING, v.pres.part. The state of wearing pants in which the length is
hilariously short (in other words, it is more than a couple of inches above the ankle.)
[Metonymic coinage. Noah's Ark refers to the great biblical flood, when the world was
covered by "high water". "Noah's Arking." has replaced the earlier
term flooding. A related term for the too-short pants themselves was high water
Context and source: His pants are too short. He is "Noah's Arking."
O.J.-BY-THE-SEA, n. The media center at the Santa Monica civil trial. Different from "Camp O.J.."the center at the criminal trial. [Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Found in Newsweek]
PILTROL (registered tradename) n. A fabric/material which is resistant to pilling.
[clipped compound of "pilling" and "control"]
Context and source: "These coats are made with PiltrolR which resists pilling on
cuffs and waistband." (Land's End catalog)
PLUGGERS, n. Individuals leading a very nondescript and mediocre life who nonetheless
always put forth their best effort and make do with the lot life has given out [noun
formed form verb plug ].
Content and source: "Pluggers prefer baseball caps over fancy toupees and hair
treatments." (Comic strip "Pluggers" in Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, 10-13-96)
"A plugger's barn or workshed is almost always larger than his actual home."
POPAGANDA, n. Music that is popular with the general public, and has purpose or is
trying promote particular ideas. [Blend of pop (clipping of popular) and propaganda]
Content and source: Title of a K.D. Lang album.
POOPER-SCOOPER, n. An instrument comprised of a scooping device on a long pole used for
the collection of animal waste matter [rhyming compound formed from roots poop, scoop, and
suffix -er on each root].
Context and source: "I kind of dread going home for Thanksgiving. The first thing my
dad's going to do is hand me the old pooper-scooper..." (Conversation)
POSTAL, adj. extremely hostile. [From the observation of postal workers going insane
and killing fellow co-workers. Found most often in expressions go postal and get
Context and source: Unable to cope, he got all postal.
POTUS/VPOTUS/FLOTUS, n. President of the United States, Bill Clinton; Vice President of
the United States, Al Gore; and First Lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton,
respectively [acronyms].
Context and source: "Computer terminals all over the Executive Mansion flash
instantly with the precise movements of POTUS, VPOTUS, and FLOTUS- code names for Bill,
Hillary, and Al..." (Gentleman's Quarterly, 11-96)
PROLLY, adv. Likely to happen, possibly occur. [elided pronunciation of "probably." Assimilation of the "b"to an "l"] Context and source: "I'm prolly going to the party tonight." (Conversation)
PSYCHODRAMATIC, adj. very crazy (psychotic) and overly dramatic. [blend of psychotic
and dramatic]
Context and source: "Calm down. Stop being so psychodramatic." (Conversation)
RETAIL ELEPHANT, n. A business that dominates or monopolizes an area. [compound;
metaphoric association with the size of an elephant].
Context and Source: "... they are increasingly ambivalent about retail elephants
lumbering into their neighborhoods. " (Newsweek 9/16/96).
ROAD RAGE, n. Aggressive driving habits often accompanied by dehumanization of other
drivers and somethimes resulting in violence against other drivers. [Compound of road and
Context and Source: "Two thirds of all highway deaths are caused by road rage."
(Discussion forum of Milwaukee Journal Sentinel).
ROLLING, n. A dangerous activity popular with today's delinquents which involves
throwing sometimes heavy objects from the back of a moving truck or vehicle [noun formed
from addition of pres. participle -ing suffix to verb roll ].
Context and source: "The youths were engaged in a dangerous but increasingly popular
new activity known as rolling..." (Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 11-29-96)
RUBBER-CHICKEN CIRCUIT, n. The round of fund-raising dinners attended by politicians. Refers to the standard unappetizing, rubbery chicken served at such dinners. [compound] (New York Times)
SARCASTROPHE, n. An embarrassing and catastrophic event occurring when an individual
attempts and fails to use humorous sarcasm [blend of sarcasm and catastrophe
Context and source: "Todd's failed attempt at humorous sarcasm resulted in a
sarcastrophe at dinner." (Internet)
SCHECK HAPPENS - General epithet used when things go awry. Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. [blend: Scheck, eponym in honor of criminal defense lawyer Barry Scheck, + 'sh-t happens', bumper sticker cliche.] Found in Newsweek.
SCHIZO, n. A cup of coffee made with equal parts of caffeinated and de-caffeinated
coffee [clip of schizophrenia].
Context and source: Menu list, Sundance Coffee
SEA LAWYER, n. One who attempts to shirk responsibility or blame through trivial
technicalities. [This word is used chiefly in the Navy and at the Naval Academy to
describe a midshipman or officer who uses technicalities and other trivial excuses to
escape responsibility or punishment. Based on the popular stereotype of lawyers always
arguing technicalities and trivial details coupled with the fact that the Navy is closely
associated with water and the sea. ]
Context and source: "Most sea lawyers are not well respected by their classmates. (A
Sense of Honor by James Webb)
SECADEM, n. a Rice student whose double majoring in both Group I or II and III. [Blend
of Rice terms S/E (Group III major) and academy (Group I or II).]
Context and source: "Are you an S/E or an academy?" "Actually, both. I am a
secadem." (Conversation)
SEXAHOLISM, n. A condition describing someone who is addicted to sex and alcohol. [blend of sex and alcoholism]. Source: An episode of the "Simpsons."
SHOPGRIFTING, v. to 'rent' something for free by purhcasing it and then returning it
within 30 days for a full refund. [Compound of shop + grift "to swindle"]
Context and source: His shopgrifting is totally shameless." (Conversation)
SLACKADEM, n. A term used by science/engineering majors at Rice University for a person
majoring in humanities or social sciences due to a perceived lack of work or effort put
forth by the latter [blend formed from words academy and slacker ].
Context and source: "If you'll excuse me, I've got to study for a test. Not everyone
can be a slackadem and watch TV all day." (Conversation)
SLOW-SPEED CHASER, n. A celebratory drink after court is adjourned. [Lingo used by journalists covering the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial. Found in Newsweek]
SNAIL MAIL, n. The standard system of mail delivery in which letters, documents, and
packages are physically transported from one location to another, in contrast to
electronic mail [rhyming compound formed from roots snail and mail].
Context and source: "More and more companies and individuals are looking to e-mail as
an alternative to the traditional means of sending information and documents, snail
mail." (Computers, pg. 52)
SPACE-POSSESSION DICTATORIAL, adj. Overly concerned with: one's possessions, the
placement of these, and the placement of others' possessions in the vicinity of one's
possessions; characterized by compulsive behavior regarding one's possessions.
Context and source: "My roommate is so space-possession dictatorial!"
SPAM, n. Multiple posts of the same message to the same or different Usenet newsgroups
or to an e-mail account. The message is usually adverts or marketing promotions and
contains no useful or worthwhile information.
v. The act of sending multiple copies of a useless message to a newsgroup or an e-mail
account. [Extension of the word Spam, the processed meat]
SPEEL, n. An informal speech, usually brief and sometimes impromptu. Also spiel.
Context and source: "Now I'll give my little speel about drinking."
SPIDER, n. person or computer program that searches the web for new links and link them to search engines. [Metaphor, a spider spins webs.]
SPORK, n. A utensil with both bowl and tines, a combination of spoon and fork. [Blend
of spoon and fork]
Context and source: "I hate these stupid plastic sporks." (Conversation)
STALKERAZZI, n. (pl. stalkerazzis) Tabloid journalist who pursues celebrities night and day, dogging their every move. [Blend of stalker and paparazzi, tabloid journalists, after eponymous character in Fellini movie. Italian plural -i reanalyzed to singular]
Context and source: "Broomfield hooks up with a pair of "stalkerazzis"
who work for the tabloids..." (New Yorker 6/8/98)
SWANGIN', v. swerving a car back and forth by rapidly turning the steering wheel (left
and right ...repeatedly.)
Context and source: "I lost a wheel while swangin'." (Conversation explaining
gang terminology)
SWOOSH, n. The logo of the Nike Corporation, resembling a rounded off check-mark.
Context and source: "The Nike logo is called the swoosh, it appears 32 times in the
annual report..." (Conversation)
SWOOSHTIKA, n. Derogatory reference to the distinctive logo of the Nike Corporation.
Alludes to the powerful hegemony of Nike in the world of sportswear and marketing, the
blind logo-worship of unthinking masses of people, and Nike's treatment of its third world
workers like slave labor; implicit comparison with Nazi party and the its swastika. [blend
of swoosh + -tika, from 'swastika']
Context and source: "People are already beginning to talk about the
'swooshtika'" (Conversation)
TAGGIN', v. spray painting a gang's name on walls. (leaving a trademark; graffiti)
[from tag- meaning to mark or a label.]
Context and source: "We were taggin' all night." (Conversation explaining gang
TELESCAM, n. Illegal money-making schemes conducted by phony telemarketers. [Compound
tele- (clipping of telephone) and scam]
Context and source: "For Downs, the secret finally came out when she gave her 19
children and grandchildren shoe boxes stuffed with nearly identical collections of
telescam trash." (Time, 25 August 1997)
TELEVANGELIST, n. An evangelist who conducts regular religious services on television.
[Blend of television and evangelist]
Contex and source: "Ole Anthony and his merry band take on the televangelists."
(US News, 8 December 1997)
TERRAFORM, v. To change a planet's surface and atmosphere so that life as it exist on
Earth is possible [compound from L. terra 'land' and form ].
Context and source: "And that's the question that will shift us to the next level of
our fascination with the place, the idea that we could live there, that Mars could be
terraformed." (Newsweek, 9-16-96)
TOUCH, n. An abbreviation of touchdown, the scoring of six points in American football
by penetrating an opponent's end zone while in possession of the football [clip formed
from touchdown].
Context and source: "Farve drops the screen pass off to Edgar Bennet and he takes it
in for the touch." (FOX NFL Half-time Show, 10-20-96)
TROLL, n. A person who sends messages to a Usenet newsgroup to incite emotions and cause controversy. [Metaphorical extension of troll, a supernatural creature (dwarf) that lives in a cave.]
TYSON, adv. Characterized by an insane rage, particularly in the context of a sporting
event. [Reference to boxer Mike Tyson]
Context and source: "He wne absolutely Tyson in the Monday Night Football opener
against the Green Bay Packers." (Sports Illustrated, 15 September 1997)
VATOR, n. Something which lifts, an ascending platform; an elevator. [clipping of
Context and source: "Push '3' on the vator to get to the third floor."
VERTICALLY-CHALLENGED, adj. Short, not tall [compound formed from vertical + -ly (adv.)
and challenge + ed].
Context and source: "Don't call him short, he's vertically challenged."
VIDEOPHILE, n. One who loves and collects video equipment and media [compound from L.
video 'see' and G. phile 'loving']
Context and source: "The picture quality will be vastly improved, pleasing
videophiles." (US News and World Report , 1 December 1997]
"I guess owning a Beta, RCA Selectavision, SVHS, Laserdisc, and DVD makes me a
videophile." (Conversation)
WAC, adj. Very unpleasant, undesirable; inappropriate, incorrect or not the way something should be or expected to be, contrary to the social norm; bad or negative in a general sense. Also wack. [clipping of wacky] Context and source: "That test was wac!" "Her outfit was totally wac!" (Conversation)
WALLIN', v. Slang. to sit or stand against a wall at a party. [derived from, of course,
Context and source: I didn't dance. Just wallin'. (a book called Street Talk 2)
WHATEVER, v. To dismiss or ignore. Desire to dismiss. [Zero derivation of whatever]
Contex and source: " That guy really whatevers me." (Conversation)
WORDROBE, n. a person's vocabulary. [blend of word and wardrobe]
Context and source: "He has an extensive wordrobe." (a web page on the Internet)
WORRYWORT, n. A person who tends to worry habitually and often needlessly [Compound of worry
and wort]
Context and source: "The people in charge of making sure an HMO stays solvent seemed
like worrywarts." (US News, 24 November 1997)
Y2K, n. The year 2000. The problem in which some computer hardware and software are unable to process dates after 31 December 1999. [Acronym from Y (year) + 2 + K (Gr. 'kilos' thousand)]
'ZINE, n. An unprofessional periodical publication; a non-formal, home-made magazine.
[clipping of magazine]
Context and source: "Until two years ago, I had no idea what a 'zine was." (
Loose Lips Sink Ships ,a 'zine)