Everyday English and Slang in Ireland
Top of the morning to ya! Welcome to a grand award-winning web site, filling up full of flowery Oirish English.
Ages (n): long time
Arse (n): backside
Arseways (a): "I did it all arseways" = I made a complete mess of it!
Aul Man (n): father
Aul Wan (n): mother
Babby (n): little child - baby
Banjaxed (a): broken, no good
Barm brack (n): cake eaten at holloween, from gaelic bareen brack = a feckled cake
Barrelling (v): rushing around (with purpose?)
Begorrah (exclam): be god (no self-respecting Irish person says this. Sorry, Hollywood)
Bejappers (exclam): as above
Blather (v): talk
Bog (n): country area - where culchies come from
Bold (a): naughty Bollocks (n): anyone you think is stupid
Boozer (n): pub
Boreen (n): narrow lane or road
Bouzzie (n): young good-for-nothing, who hangs around on street corners
Boxin' the fox (phr): robbing an orchard
Boyo (n): a bit of a lad
Brasser (n): woman of ill repute, who charges but a brass coin for her services
Chancer (n): dodgy/risky character
Chinwag (n): a chat
Chipper (n): fish and chip shop
Chiseller (n): young child
Clatter (n): slap
Cod (v): having someone on, as in: "Aw, g'wan, yer only coddin' me"
Colcannon (v): Mashed potatoes, cabbage or kale & butter, served at halloween
Cop on (to yourself) (v): get a life/don't be so stupid
Cooker (n): stove
Covers (n): bedclothes
Craic (n): (pronounced crack) fun time and good conversation
Culchie (n): a city dweller's name for a country person
Da (n): father
Deadly (a): very cool
Dear (adj): expensive
Delph (n): crockery, cups, saucers etc
Desperate (adj): terrible
Diddies (n): breasts
Divil (n): devil
Dosser (n): layabout, useless
Dote (n): a lovely little thing, usually a baby
Doxie (n): a lady of the night who plies her trade on the docks
Eejit (n): idiot
Eccer (n): homework (from exercises)
F-word (n,a,v, etc.): used freely, mostly for strengthening an adjective.
Fag (n): cigarette
Fair play to ya! : well done!
Feck (n): used instead of the other F word
Fecky the Ninth (n): complete idiot
Fib (n): a lie
Flicks (n): movies, pictures
Flitters (a): tattered and torn
Fluthered (a): drunk
Follier-upper (n): a serial at the pictures (movies). To be continued ...
Foostering (n): wasting time
Fry (n): fried breakfast (typically sausage, bacon, eggs and pudding)
Gaff (n): house
Gallery (n): great fun, someone is a gallery-entertaining person- a mad laugh
Gameball (exclam): OK
Gas (a): funny
Gawk (v): stare
Gee (n): female genitalia (hard G sound)
Get off with (someone) (ph): make out
Gick (n): shit
Git (n): rotten person
a Go (n): turn
Gob (n): mouth, as in: "shut your gob"
Gobshite (n): idiot
Gobsmacked (a): very surprised
Go-car (n): baby's pushchair
Gollier (n): a big, fat spit of phlegmy stuff
Grand (a): fine, nice
Guard (n): policeman
Guff (n): nonsense - ta, frank!
Gullier (n): a large marble used when playing along the road kerb
Gurrier (n): lout, hooligan
Hard Neck (n): cheek
Hardchaw (n): rough person, the type who's ready for a fight at the drop of a hat - "Yeah you, wha' ya lookin' a?"
Header (n): nutcase, unstable person
Heel (n): the first or last slice of a loaf of bread
Holliers (n): holidays!
Hooley (n): party or celebration
Hoor (n): whore
Hoor's Melt (n): private part of a hoor
Hot Press (n): airing cupboard, where the hot water geyser is.
Howya : "how are you?" - typical greeting
Hump, the (n): sulking
I will in me ring (phr): certainly not!
I am in me wick (phr): you must be joking!
Jackeen (n): a culchie's name for a Dubliner
Jayzuz (exclam):
Jesus Jacks (n): toilet
Jaded (a): very tired, knackered
Jam on your egg (n): wishful thinking; will never happen
Janey Mack! (exclam): Gosh, really?
Juicy (a): cute
Knacker (n): gypsy, travelling person
Knackered (v): very tired
Knick-knacking (v): ringing a doorbell and running away
Langer (n): penis
Langers (a): drunk
Lashing (v): raining hard
Lay off! (exclam): leave me alone, stop it!
Letting on (v): pretending
Local, the (n): the nearest pub
Longers (n): long trousers
Ma (n): mother
Maggot, Stop acting the ... (ph): stop messin' around
Manky (a): filthy dirty
Mary Hick, Mary Banger (n): unfashionable female
Melted (a): very tired
Mentaller (a): crazy guy
Me ould segotia, me ould sweat (n): best friend
Messages (n): shopping, groceries
Messing (v): playing around
Mickey (n): child's name for a penis
Milling (v): fighting
Mitch (v): bunk school
Mortaller (n): mortal sin
Mortified (a): embarassed, usually said by your ma
Mot (n): girlfriend
Motherless (a): drunk
Nickser (n): odd job
Odds (n): loose change
Old Lady (n): mother
Old Man (n): father
Omadhaun (n): bit of a fool
On the never never (n): On Hire Purchase
One and One (n): fish and chips i.e. One and One Cod
Paraletic (a): very drunk
Pictures (n): movies
Piss in the Beds (n): dandeloins
Poteen (n): illegal spirits
Press (n): cupboard
Puck (n): punch
Quare (n): queer or strange as in "he's a quare one, alright"
Rapid (a): amazing
Rashers (n): pieces of bacon
Reddener (n): blush
Reef (v): beat (a person) up
Ride: (n) an attractive person (v) to have sex
Root (v): search
Rossie (n): brat
Sap (n): wimp
Scab (n&v): one who scabs (constantly borrows or tries to get freebies) scabby, stingy
Scallion (n): spring onion
Scalped (v): to get a short haircut
Scanger (n): stupid female
Scarlet (a): blushing
Scram! : go away!
Scrubber (n): female of low morals
Scutters (n): diarrhoea
Shenanagans (n): carry-on/horse-play
Shore (n): outside ( your kitchen door) drain
Single (n): packet of chips
Slagging (v): having someone on, making fun of them
Slapper (n): female nerd, scrubber/slut?
Slash (n&v): "to take a slash"= to piss, to urinate
Sleeveen (n): a sly type, pinch the eyes out of your head
Slinjing (v): dragging your heels
Snapper (n): child
Snog (v): make out with or get off with (someone)
Spa (n): someone who hasn't got good co-ordination
Squizz (n): a look-see
Sound (a): really good
Stop the lights! : jayzuz, really?!
Stocious (a): drunk as a lord
Stung (a): embarrassed
Thick (n)/(a): idiot/stupid
Tool (n): idiot
Trap (n): mouth
Thunder & Lightning (n): knock like thunder, run like lightning: knocking at a door and running away
Up the pole : pregnant
Up the yard! : be off with ya!
Up to ninety : (as in so 'n' so is ...) near boiling point, ready to explode
Wagon (n): ugly female
Whist (v): keep quiet