Phrase Meaning ------ ------- 99 a popular style of ice cream, usually ordered with a 'flake' 'A' levels exams taken at age 18 abso-bloody-lutely a more definite form of 'absolutely' afters dessert aggro trouble; violence all broke up on holiday, usually from school all of a twitter very nervous or apprehensive aluminium aluminum arse bottom, or ass arse bandit a homosexual arse over tit to fall head over heels arse about playing around, being silly e.g. "stop arsing about!" artic an articulated lorry; a bick truck Aussie an Australian backhander a bribe bag an unattractive or elderly woman balderdash rubbish; nonsense balls-up a mess; a confusion banger (1) an old car; (2) a sausage barking mad crazy batty dotty; crazy beak magistrate beehive a tall hairstyle bees knees something really good beetle crusher a boot; a foot behind bottom; buttocks berk a stupid person e.g. "you silly berk" bevvy a drink bit of fluff a pretty young single woman bill, the police, sometimes called "the old bill" binge a drinking bout bin liner garbage bag bin men garbage collectors bint a rough girl biro a ballpoint pen bit of alright something highly satisfactory black maria a police van black pudding a sausage like food made from - pigs blood - oats - fat black sheep of the family a relative who gets into trouble with the police blag a robbery; to rob blagger a robber Blighty England blimey ! an expression of surprise blob a contraceptive blotto drunk blower telephone e.g. "there's somebody on the blower for you" blow your own trumpet to brag; to boast blubber to cry bobby dazzler a remarkable person or thing bog a toilet, a washroom bollock naked stark naked bollocks testicles bonce head bonk to copulate bonnet hood of a car bookie betting shop owner boot trunk of a car boracic penniless bosch a derogative term for germans bovver trouble bovver boot a heavy boot, possibly with a toe cap and laces quite often worn by skinheads bovver boy a hooligan; a troublemaker brass monkey weather cold, taken from the phrase, "it's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" breakdown van a tow truck brickie a bricklayer brill ! short form of brilliant, meaning fantastic brolly an umbrella browned off bored; fed up Brummy a native of Birmingham bubble and squeak fried cabbage and potatoes bubbly champagne bugger all nothing; very little bumf toilet paper this led to 'bumf' being used for superfluous papers, letters etc. bumming a fag requesting a cigarette e.g. "Can I bum a fag from you mate ?" Note: This has a VERY different meaning in the U.S. bunch of fives a fist "button it !" "be quiet !" caff a cafe cake hole a person's mouth cardy abbreviation of cardigan champers champagne char tea; a domestic worker cheeky monkey a rude person cheesed off bored; fed up chin chin a drinking toast chippy a fish and chip shop; a carpenter chokey prison chuffed very pleased or proud clapped out worn out, broken clappers to go very fast; to work hard e.g. That car goes like the clappers ! e.g. I have to work like the clappers to finish it by lunchtime ! clickety click 66 in bingo calling clink prison clinker somebody who is outstanding clobber clothing clodhopper a clumsy person clogger a soccer player who tackles heavily clot a fool cloth-ears a person with a poor sense of hearing cobblers testicles; rubbish cock and bull a story with very little truth in it cock up to ruin something e.g. "it was a real cock-up" e.g. "haved you cocked it up ?" coffin nail a cigarette conk nose conkers a childrens game played with horse chestnuts copper police man/woman cough up to pay crackers crazy cracking great; fantastic crackling a woman who is regarded as a sexual object crate an old name for a very old plane create to make a fuss or an angry scene crown jewels male genitalia crumbly an old or senile person crumpet a desirable woman dabs fingerprints daft stupid dark horse somebody who suprises others by their actions des res Estate agents use this to describe a "desirable residence" dial face dickie bow a bow tie diddicoy a gipsy dip a pickpocket dishy good looking do a runner to leave quickly avoiding punishment doddle easy dog's bollocks something really good dog's breakfast a mess donkey's breakfast a straw hat doodah to be in a state of excitement e.g. "He was all in a doodah !" doolally scatter-brained; crazy doorstep a thick sandwich dosh money doss house a cheap lodging house dosser a tramp do the dirty on to play a mean trick on dough money droopy drawers an untidy or sloppy person drop a sprog have a baby drum a house or flat duffer a stupid person dummy a baby's pacifier earful to get a shouting e.g. "My mum gave me a right earful !" easy-peasy something very simple earner a lucrative job or task elevenses morning tea break extracting the urine see "taking the piss" fab fabulous; wonderful face-ache a miserable looking person fag cigarette fag-end a cigarette butt fairy a homosexual man family jewels male genitalia fanny female genitalia fence a receiver of stolen goods filth, the police fishy about the gills looking the worse for drink fizzog face flake a stick that is made up of flaky pieces of chocolate flicks, the the cinema flog to sell footy football; soccer fuzz, the police gamboll a somersault done on the ground gamp an umbrella gentleman's gentleman a valet Geordie a native of Newcastle gift of the gab being very free with speech git an insult e.g. "You stupid git !" give it a whirl try it out give someone the pip to get on someone's nerves gob mouth gobsmacked speechless goes like stink very fast good nick very good condition gooseberry a fifth wheel goosegog a gooseberry go to the dogs to go to ruin grass, grasser an informant hang about wait a moment hell for leather very fast hols holidays home and dry to be safe hush silence inexpressibles trousers in good fettle in good health in the altogether nude in the know to have inside information in the noddy nude jam packed very full jar a drink, usually a pint of beer jelly jello jerry a chamber pot jerry builder a builder of unsubstantial houses Jock a scottish person Jonah a bringer of bad luck jumped up to be conceited jumper sweater keep you hair on please calm down kick the bucket to die kissed the Blarney Stone a person who tells tall stories knackered tired, worn out derived from horses being taken to the 'knackers yard' knockers breasts leg it ! quick lets run ! legless drunk like a rat out of a very fast drainpipe load of bollocks you're talking crap utter nonesense loo a toilet; a washroom Liverpudlian a native of Liverpool (also see Scouser) lorry a truck man in blue a policeman marmite a spread for sandwiches me old cock my old friend meat and two veg. male genitalia mind your P's and Q's to be careful; to be polite moggy cat mom`s the word it's a secret between you and me can be abbreviated to "Keep mom !" money for jam an easy job money for old rope an easy job mother's ruin gin mucker mate, friend mucky pup someone who has soiled themselves e.g. "You mucky pup !" mug face mutton chops side whiskers nancy boy an effeminate male nark a police informer nightie a nightdress nick prison; to steal e.g "Hey, my bike's been nicked !" nick, the prison nincompoop a fool nipper a young or small child nippy (1) fast, or (2) cold e.g. (1) "that car is nippy !" e.g. (2) "it's nippy out today" nix nothing none too easy very difficult e.g. "that exam was none too easy !" nosey parker somebody who is nosey not bad very good not so hot not very good, awful old man father old girl mother old lady mother one in the oven pregnant, also "a bun in the oven", "up the plum duff" and "in the pudding club" on spec on chance on the nod on credit on the razzle dressed up and looking for sex on the tap looking for sex on your bike! go away! out for a duck obtained a zero score Paddy an Irishman paralitic to be drunk pavement sidewalk pictures, the the cinema pick-me-up a tonic pie eyed to be drunk pigs, the police pigs breakfast a mess pigs ear a mess pig in muck somebody in their element e.g. "he is as happy as a pig in muck" pillock an insult pinny apron pissed drunk pissed off to be annoyed e.g. "I was pissed off !" e.g. "He really pissed me off !" The US replace "pissed off" with "pissed" alone. piss head somebody who is drunk quite often plastered drunk e.g. "He's plastered !" play hookey to play truant plimpsolls childrens non-laced sneakers plod police man/woman plonk cheap wine e.g. "This plonk's not bad !" plonker (1) penis, (2) fool e.g. "you silly plonker !" plus fours trousers ponce a homosexual pong a bad smell pooh pooh to reject an idea e.g. "He pooh pooh'd my idea !" pools, the a weekly betting game based on the outcome of soccer matches; run by Vernons and Littlewoods (and possibly others) pratt an insult e.g. "you stupid pratt !" preggers pregnant pudding dessert pull a bird meet a woman; pick up a girl quite often shortened to 'pull' e.g. "Did you pull ?" pull a fast one to fool or swindle somebody pull a pint hand pump beer into a glass pull a stroke to outsmart pull the other one I don't believe you short form of "pull the other one, it has bells on" pull your pud to masterbate pumps running shoes punter a customer purse a ladies wallet put a sock in it to be quiet put the anchors on to apply the brakes; to slow down put the boot in to beat somebody up put the kibosh on to put a stop to something put the wind up to scare Queer Street where you are if you don't have any money quiff a fancy hairstyle randy horny rave up a good party readies cash ropey flaky or dodgey rozzer policeman rug a wig; a toupee rubbed the wrong way to upset somebody salt a sailor same to you with brass usually said in response to a derogatory knobs on !! remark sarnie a sandwich scab a strike breaker scallywag a mischevious person scarper to run away fast, possibly avoiding punishment Scouser a native of Liverpool (see also Liverpudlian) scrap a fight scrubber a cheap or loose woman shag to copulate shake a leg to get a move on shall I be mother ? shall I pour the tea ? sheckels money silly arse a foolish person skivvy a domestic servant slash to urinate e.g. "I'm going for a slash." smalls underwear smart alec a clever person snifter a drink of spirit snog to kiss snuff it to die sod derogatory remark, derived from sodomy soldiers bread cut into thin strips for dipping into a boiled egg so stick that in your usually said after a derogatory remark pipe and smoke it ! sozzled drunk spam a rather tasteless form of tinned meat spanner a wrench sparky an electrician splice the main-brace to drink spread a good meal; a feast sprog a young child or baby, could also mean illegitimate spud a potato squiffed drunk stewed drunk strides trousers, pants subway an underpass a pedestrian walkway beneath a road swag stolen money; a thief's plunder swing the lead a malingerer swizz a swindle or cheat swot somebody who studies ta thankyou Taffy a Welshman ta muchly thankyou very much Tandy Radio Shack take French leave to leave without permission taking the piss making fun of tea leaf thief terminus the end of the bus route the smoke London three sheets in the wind drunk Tic Tac Man a bookmakers signaller ticker the heart tights pantyhose "Time gentlemen please !" Usually said as the pub is closing, so as to request that the patrons finish their drinks. tip a mess e.g. "Your room is a tip !" toff a posh person tomato sauce ketchup Tommy Rot nonsense top sad extremely bad torch flashlight tosser see wanker toss pot one who drinks too much trainers running shoes trollop not a nice girl trousers pants tube London Underground tuck in schools it means cake, crisps, sweets etc. turf accountant betting shop owner turn-ups trouser cuffs turps turpentine under the weather ill; sick unmentionables underwear vest a man's undershirt wag a joker wagging it to play truant wallflower a woman who does not dance wanger penis wanker infers that the subject masturbates weed a weak person welly wanging the art of throwing wellington boots white elephant a valuable, but useless article willies, the nerves willow a cricket bat willy penis wings fenders of a car Winkle Pickers shoes with pointed toes wireless a radio wishy washy feeble; stupid
Phrase Meaning ------ ------- aggen again arffa bitta half a pint of bitter (beer) e.g. "Oi'll 'ave arffa bitta please !" ar kid younger brother arntarff they are indeed e.g. "they arntarff mad" avya ? have you ? e.g. "Avya gorra fag ?" awroit that's okay, all right may be used as a question to ask how somebody is ast past tense of "ask" "I ast him, burree didn't know !" bab, babby a baby e.g "The bab's croin aggen !" bluddyell an exclamation of surprise e.g. "Bluddyell ! Whats that ?" boozer a public house e.g. "Oi'm gooin to tha boozer" borrow me "lend me" e.g. "Canya borrow me a fiver till Thursday ?" Brumidgum Birmingham buzz a bus canya ? can you carntya can you not ? cop'old to grab hold of e.g. "Cop'old of this will ya !" come off it to show disbelief cut canal daint did not daft as a box o'lights stupid dinna a lunchtime meal dun'arf don't half, meaning "to really do" e.g. "'e dun'arf run fast !" ee aa, eeyar here you are 'er the female subject of the conversation 'ers to belong to a female forgerrit forget it for us for me e.g. "That munnee was ment for us !" gardin the garden garridge the garage, the place for parking cars gerroff, gerrout get off, i don't believe you gew to go, e.g. "Where yer gewin ?" givvitear give it here, give it to me gizzussit give it here, give it to me gob mouth e.g. "Shut yer gob !" intit is it not ? 'im the male subject of the conversation 'is to belong to a male me an all me as well, me also moyn to belong to one's self nunk nothing oydernow i do not know ooz izzit ? who does it belong to ? owzzizz houses punchyered to hit in the face e.g. "Oi'll punchyered if ya doo'it aggen !" rung incorrect e.g. "Yow're rung !" ten arff it really is e.g. "Ten arff cold !" terraa goodbye watsmarra ? what is wrong ? wha ? what ? pardon ? wstyme ? what is the time ? wuzup ? what is up ? what is wrong ? yorn belonging to you, e.g. "It's yorn !" yow you Note: A comedian from Birmingham called Jasper Carrot had a hit record called "Funky Moped" that was sung entirely with a Brummy accent.
Note: Quite often, Cockney rhyming slang may be shortened to to the first word. This is to increase the deception factor. Examples of the shortened form are given where possible. Phrase Meaning ------ ------- abaht about Adam and Eve to beleive e.g. "I don't Adam and Eve it !!" airs and graces braces; suspenders in the US Alan Whicker's knickers, lady's underwear Ally Pally a nickname for the Alexandra Palace in Muswell Hill, North London apple pie sky apple pips lips apples and pears stairs April showers flowers arf half Artful Dodger a lodger army and navy gravy baked potatah see you later bakewell tart fart barnet fair hair Derived from the annual horse fair in Barnet North London. Barney Rubble trouble e.g. "are you in a bit of Barney ?" bar of soap dope battle cruiser boozer, pub boat race face e.g. "She's got a nice boat race!" bottle and stopper copper, policeman bottle of bear ear Brahms and Liszt pissed, drunk bricks and mortar daughter bride and groom broom bristols from "bristol city" meaning titties, breasts brown bread dead bubble and squeak a week a greek person butchers from "butchers hook" to look e.g. "have a butchers at this !" cain and abel a table Captain Cook a book cat and mouse a house ceramics, ceramic tiles piles, heamorrhoids chalfonts piles, heamorrhoids from "Chalfont St. Giles" Charlie Prescot a waistcoat china plate mate, friend e.g. "hello me old china !" cock sparrow a barrow currant bun son Daisy roots boots dickie bird word e.g. "he didn't say a dicky" dickie dirt a shirt dickory dock a clock ding dong a song dog and bone a telephone e.g. "somebody's on the dog and bone for you" Duke of Fife a knife Duke of York a fork eau de cologne a phone elephant and castle stick it up your arsehole elephant's trunk drunk engineers and stokers Brokers five-to two a jew forsyte saga lager frog and toad road German band hand Gertie Gitana banana ginger beer queer, homosexual gypsies kiss piss half an Oxford Scholar half a dollar half inch to pinch or steal Hamstead Heath teeth Harry Randle a candle hey diddle diddle fiddle hot potater a waiter irish jig wig, hairpiece Jack and Jill a Bill Jack Jones on your own e.g. "I'm on my Jack" Jack Tar a sailor Jack the Ripper a kipper jam jar a car Jimmy Riddle to piddle; to urinate Jim Skinner dinner Joanna a piano Joe Blake steak Joe soap a dope, stupid person kettle a watch (if you "watch" a kettle, it doesn't boil!) King Lear ear Lady Godiva a fiver; a five pound note Lillian Gish fish lilley and skinner dinner loaf of bread head e.g. "use your loaf !" London fog a dog Lord of the Manor a tanner; sixpence Major Stevens "evens", a betting term Marconi a pony = 25 pounds marvlus marvellous merchant banker a wanker Michaels, Michael Miles piles, hemarroids Mickey Mouse a house minces, mince pies eyes mortar and trowel a towel mutt'n jeff deaf Ned Kelly telly; television Nelson Mandela Stella Artios, a type of beer north and south mouth oak and ash cash; money Oliver Twist a fist Oxo cube the tube; the London underground railway Peckham Rye a tie pimple and blotch scotch, whiskey plates, plates of meat feet pony and trap crap pork and cheese a portuguese person pork pies, porkies lies rabbit and pork to talk rannit paw jaw, to talk too much e.g. "She's got more rabbit than Sainsbury's" raquel welch belch rats and mice dice raspberry tart a fart rob dog a money grabber rosey lea tea Richard the Third a turd (I cringe when I hear that one !) rubbadubdub pub, drinking establishment Ruby Murray a curry Ruby Murray was a singer in the 50's (??). saucepan lid kid sausage roll dole, unemployment benefit Sexton Blake a cake shell like ear Sherman Tanks yanks; americans skin and blister sister sorted a transaction is completed, usually profitably stewed prune a tune Sweeney Todd a police group called the "flying squad" tea leaf thief thruppeny bits tits, breasts tit for tat hat, short form = "tit'fer" Todd Sloane on your own e.g. "Are you on your Todd ?" Tommy Tucker supper tom tit "shit" trouble and strife wife turtle doves gloves whistle and flute suit, gentelman's attire woolly woofter a pufter, an effeminate person zeig heils piles, heamorrhoids Denominations of Money: Name Amount bob a shilling grand 1000 pounds monkey 500 pounds pony 25 pounds tanner a sixpence tenner 10 pounds tilbury a sixpence
Phrase Meaning ------ ------- bloody emmet a tourist cup't a cup of tea like a pig in a poke not very good proper job that's good where's it too then ? where is it ?
Phrase Meaning ------ ------- aalreet allright aalreet pet i'm gannin okay darling, i am going bairn baby bait a packed lunch berra better borstin in need of the washroom canny good, lucky fatha father gan to go gan canny take it easy hadaway mara i'm stowed you're joking friend, go away I'm busy off heed head howay get off with you, you must be joking mesel myself mutha mother neet night netty outhouse, toilet ney none, nothing pet affectionat name for wife or darling proppa proper samidges sandwiches spakka fantastic, great spawny get a lucky person way-ay ! but of course ! y'cannat you can not y'divvent you do not yee you whorrama ganna dee ? what am i going to do ? Note: Watch "Spender" on Showcase Television for some "real" geordie verbage !
Phrase Meaning ------ ------- all fur coat an no pretending to have more money knickers than you have takeout a packed lunch
Phrase Meaning ------ ------- adams ale water anyroad anyway, also "anyroad up" argy-bargy argument bap a barmcake barmcake a soft white bun barmpot a fool barmy being daft belt up ! be quiet ! bobbins rubbish e.g. Manchester United played bobbins ! brass money butty a sandwich, e.g. a "chip butty" made with french fries calf lick hair that does not lie flat at the front of the head cat lick see "calf lick" cha tea champion fantastic, great chara a bus chinwaggin gossiping chuck friend or darling, e.g. "hello chuck" chippy a fish and chip vendor chucky egg a hen's egg clap eyes on to see clever clogs a person who answers a question in a clever way clock to see cock friend, e.g. "hello cock" codswallop nonesense, rubbish conk nose cuppa a cup of tea dimp cigarrette butt ding dong an argument earwig to listen in Eccles cake a round-currant filled pastry 'ecky thump ! an exclamation fair do's fair enough flaming nora an exclamation flummoxed puzzled ganzie a pullover gawp to stare gobslotch a greedy person gooseberry to be the odd one out gor blimey ! an exclamation, short for of "God blind me ...", can sometimes be heard as "cor blimey!" Gordon Bennet ! an exclamation graft work gyp an expression of upset. e.g. "my stomach is giving me gyp" happen maybe e.g. "Happen I will go this evening .." harp to go on about something heck as like no, to show disagreement hey up a greeting jack it in stop it, cease doing something kalied drunk kid term of endearment e.g. "hello kid!" lardy cake a heavy cake made similar to bread dough let to have landed on let the dog see the get out of the way rabbit lummock a clumsy or large person mardy to be spoiled midden a rubbish heap mither to worry or go on about something mutton dressed as lamb an older woman dressing in a young fashion naff all nothing not half absolutely, or completely nowt nothing parkin a cake made from oatmeal and treacle pobs bread in milk prom the promenade or boardwalk put the mockers on to put a stop to something runt a weak person scran food simnel cake a fruit cake skint without money slummock a dirty or unkempt person snap a packed lunch sneck to fasten or close stick abuse stingo good beer sup up drink up, finish a drink wacker a liverpudlian wally a fool wazzock a fool wuzzock a fool yonks a long time
Phrase Meaning ------ ------- a' all ablow below aboot about abune above ach an expression of disgust aff off afore before agley something that is not qite straight ah I ahint behind ain own aince once Arabs Dundee United supporters awa away aye yes baffies slippers bairn a baby or young child baith both ballop a zip fly banjo a single punch Bankie someone from Clyde Bank coggle something that is unsteady gowk an April fool hoy throw Hun a Rangers supporter (derogative) I cannae I cannot I dinnae ken I do not know left footer a Roman Catholic lug an ear micht might nae no; not ned a young hooligan or criminal neebur a neighbour peen a pin piece sandwich ra the (Glaswegian term) roup an auction tamashanta hat Tartan Army supporters of Scotlands National football team tattie a potato tattie-bogle a scarecrow wee small whit what wi with windae a window
Before I start the list, I believe that this placename deserves mention: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch translation: "Saint Mary's Church in the hollow of white hazel near a rapid whirlpool and the church of Saint Tysilio near a red cave." Note: (w) indicates that this is an actual 'Welsh' word. Phrase Meaning ------ ------- atto laugh had to laugh, e.g. "I atto laugh" atuaa that you are awa uncle banjo a loaf of bread bard minded somebody who thinks bad of others batch a loaf of bread bished tired out bonk a blow, a hit boo nor bah nothing buzz off go away cera ! (w) get on with it cochyn (w) someone with red hair croeso (w) welcome dal very little done a bunk run away done shee doesn't she done wannoo I do not want to dub toilet gorsaf (w) station fagged out tired forrid forehead gissit year give it here gul girl guts greedy hawk carry jest just jibog a funny face lay off stop doing it loosed to have let go never all there acting foolishly niff a smell not fussed not bothered oo off who gave you that reel bard very bad rheilffordd (w) railway tocyn (w) ticket tren (w) train urdy gurdy a circular, rotating clothes line wine yoo sayen what are you saying ?
Peronality Bio ---------- --- Abbot, Russ entertainer and comedian Blair, Lionel dancer and TV personality Cant, Brian childrens entertainer Cooper, Tommy magician and TV personality, his famous catch-phrase was "not like that... like that !" (deceased) Daniels, Paul magician and TV personality, his catch phrase is "you will like this, not a lot, but you'll like it" Grayson, Larry personality and game show host with a homosexual tint. (deceased) Famous catch -phrases include: - "shut that door" - "look at this muck" - "what a gay day" Green, Hughie ex host of the game show "Opportunity Knocks" (very much alive !) La Rue, Danny very famous drag artist (artiste ?) Monkhouse, Bob ex host of many game shows O'Connor, Des entertainer, usually made fun of Parsons, Nicholas ex host of the game show "Sale of the Century" Rogers, Ted ex host of the game show '321' He is best remembered for his dextrous ability in forming the numbers 3,2 and 1 quickly with his fingers. Wogan, Terry ex BBC radio personality, now chat show host
Here is a list of television programmes that were fun to watch when I was a little lad, along with a few memory joggers: Aubrey Bagpuss - "but Emily loved him", the mice, professor Yaffle Banana Splits - the arabian knights "size of an elephant!" - "what time is it ?" - trendy beach buggies Barnaby the Bear - "Barnaby the bear's my name, never call me Jack or James.." Blue Peter - John Noakes, Valerie Singleton - Sticky backed plastic - "Get down Shep !" Bod - Aunt Flo Boris the Bold Camberwick Green - Windy Miller, whistle for the wind Champion the Wonder Horse Crackerjack - "It's Friday, it's five to five and it's time for Crackerjack !" Crystal Tips and Alistair Double Deckers Finger Bobs Flashing Blade Grange Hill - Tucker Jenkins, her from Eastender's Hammy Hamsters Tales of the River Bank Hector's House How Ivor the Engine - "sshh tickum, sshh tickum, sshh tickum etc. etc.etc." Jackanory Magpie Marine Boy - jet boots, oxy gum Mary, Mungo and Midge - the lift Mister Men - Mr Happy, Mr Sad, Mr Fat, Mr Small etc. Monkey - Tripitaka the girl who was a boy, Sandy, Pigsy - "Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch, from the egg came a stone monkey" - flying on clouds, pulling hair from chest and casting spells Mr Benn - as if by magic ... the shopkeeper appears Paddington Bear - sandwiches, hats Pipkins - Hartley Hare, Topov the Monkey, some pig or other Play Away - Brian Cant Pogles Wood Rainbow - Rod Jane and Freddy, Zippy, Bungle and George - "Up above the streets and houses, rainbow flying high ..." Sooty and Sweep - Sue, Mr Corbett, Mathew Corbett - "izzy whizzy let's get busy" The Clangers - the soup dragon The Herbs - Sage the owl, Dill the dog, Parsley the lion The Moomins - great intro music Noah and Nellie - the skylark The Wombles - Orinocho, Uncle Bulgaria, rubbish collection etc. - "Underground overground wombling free, the wombles of Wimbledon common are we" Trumpton - "Time flies by when your the driver of a train, when you ride on the footplate, there and back again, under bridges, over bridges, to our destination ..." Vision On White Horses Why don't you - "why don't you switch off your television set and go and do something The Magic Roundabout - Dougal, Florence, Zebedee, Dylan, Brian - "Time for bed!"