Rad (adj.) Cool. [California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA; and Da Bomb] (Judi's note: This CSU occupies property formerly occupied by Fort Ord. The Trustees of the California State University decided to call it CSU Monterey Bay because they just didn't like the acronym CSUFO!) Rag Doll (noun) Used to describe any male or female who are easily persuaded to give up sex or money. [Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI]
Raise da roof (Raise the roof) (verb) To get down and to get up and have a great time. [New York University, NY, NY; Atlanta, GA]
Raise eyebrows (verb) 1. To do something to get you noticed. 2. To improve at something. [Fairfield, CA]
Rally's (adj.) Bad, sorry, or lacking. (It comes from the name of the restaurant chain Rally's and is used in the rap group Outkast's song Elevators in which they refer to food from Rally's as bull@#$%.) [Jackson State University, Jackson, MS]
Rank 1. (noun) In order of matriculatory status or authority. 2. (adj.) Of bad smell. [University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX] 3. (verb) To pick on, to tease. 4. (verb) To emit foul odors. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD; in Da Bomb click here]
Rasta (interjection) See you later; goodbye. [University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI]
Rat (noun) 1. Really attractive tease. [Texas A&M U., College Station, TX] 2. A female who has been all around the neighborhood. [San Antonio, TX]
Red bumpies (noun) Any venereal disease. [Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH]
Red heatin' (phrase) The act of being on a girl/boy too much, i.e., following them a lot or calling them to much or being really possesive. [City College of New York, New York, NY]
Reefer (noun) A huge marijuana cigarette. Very phat, very long, frequently using 2 or more pieces of cigarette paper to roll. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD; in Da Bomb click here]
Rentals (noun) Parents. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY; in Da Bomb: Rents]
Represent (verb) To stand for. [Los Angeles, CA; and Da Bomb]
Rev (adj.) Revolting, ugly. [Western University, London, Ontario, Canada]
Revved (adj.) Excited. [Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA]
Rib (verb) 1. To talk about some one. 2. To criticize. [Xavier University, New Orleans, LA]
Rice rocket {derogatory}(noun) A cheap or old automobile, usually owned by someone of Hispanic descent. [Hanford High School, Richland, WA (used primarily by Hispanics); in Da Bomb click here]
Righteous, Righteous (interjection) Right; yeah. [Oxnard High, Oxnard, CA]
RIGHT on... (interjection) Good for you; or I like it. (You stress the right and the on kind of trails off.) [Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA]
Rip shit (adj.) Very angry. [American University, Washington, D.C.] (primarily used by females)
Rip shit up (verb) To excel at something. [Quesnel Secondary School, Quesnel British Columbia]
Ripped (adj.) Intoxicated; drunk. [Lewiston, ID; in Da Bomb click here]
Rizzant (noun) Money. [University of Washington, Seattle, WA]
Roach (noun) The end of a joint (marijuana cigarette); the part that you can't really smoke easily because it's too small to grip. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
Roach clip (noun) Any tool used to facilitate easier smoking of a roach. Needle-nosed pliers and medical hemostats work very well due to the small tip of the gripping tool. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
Roadie (noun) An unattractive female seen on campus or at a party. [San Diego State University, San Diego, CA]
Rochelle (noun) A slut who gives 210s to everyone. [Mohave Community College, Lake Havasu City, AZ]
Roll (verb) 1. To leave; to go. [Quinnipiac College, Hamden, CT; Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA ] 2. To look good. 3. To ride in a car. [Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA] 4. To fight. [University of Southwestern Louisiana,Lafayette, LA; in Da Bomb click here]
Rony (noun) Pepperoni. [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI]
Rose (noun) A female who is very pretty and knows it and also has a REAL BAD attitude!!!! It can also be used for a SUPER GIRL like a G.I. Jane gal. [North Bay Ontario, Canada]
Rubin (noun) The new large money bills that look like toy money. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL]
Ruined (adj.) Intoxicated. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Saccharin (adj.) Too sweet to be true. [De La Salle University, Metro Manila, Philippines]
Saltine (noun) A person SO white it is unbelievable (as compared to normal crackers). [Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA]
Salty (adj.) 1. Embarrassed. [Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI] 2. Messed up; not right. 3. Rude. [Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute, Albuquerque, NM; in Da Bomb click here]. 4. Uncool, not hip, not friendly. [Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL]
Sauce 1. (noun) Something bad, or low-rated. 2. (verb) To ruin or make bad. [Chevy Chase High School Bethesda, MD]
Saucy (adj.) Bad, low-rated. [Chevy Chase High School Bethesda, MD]
Saute' (verb) To have sex or make out. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI]
Scene (int.) 1. Do you understand? 2. I understand. 3. Cool. [Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario, Canada]
Schmeish (adj.) Cushy; luxurious; of exceptionally high quality; or simply very good. [University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada]
Schnapp (interjection) Exclamation of disgust; another word for s**t (that's what they put!) [Also a submission from a high school: Nordonia Hills High, Cleveland, OH]
Schmoe (noun) A nitwit; a stupid person. [Philadelphia, PA]
Schwag (adj.) Bad; stupid; lame; boring. [Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI; and Da Bomb]
Sco (phrase) Let's go. [North Bay Ontario, Canada; and Da Bomb]
Score (interjection) An expression to indicate something good. [Yale University, New Haven, CN]
Scrub (noun) The new person in an athletic or Greek organization. [Birmingham, AL]
Scrump (noun) Sex. [Fort Meade, MD]
Seed (noun) A child, offspring. [Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA]
Selling buicks (verb phrase) Vomiting from alchohol consumption. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Set (noun) A gang that ya affilliate wit. [Norman High School, Norman, OK; in Da Bomb click here].
Set-up (noun) Something that is not good for you; something that could become a problem. [Atlanta, GA]
Shack (verb) 1. To sleep at someone's house (probably because you were too drunk to go home). 2. To sleep with someone (either have sex or just mess around). [Texas A & M University, College Station, TX] 3. To spend the night at the home of a romantic partner. [University of Missouri, Columbia, MO]
Shady (adj.) 1. Two-faced person; used to describe a person who likes to gossip and start trouble. [Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA] 2. Not good, weak. [University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA; in Da Bomb, click here.]
Shagadellic (adj.) Most excellent; very cool. [North Seattle Community College, Seattle, WA]
Shakin' hands with the guv'nah (verb) Masturbating (male). [University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC]
Shank 1. (verb) To hurt; to attack; to spank. 2. A homemade or jailhouse weapon. [Berkeley, CA] 3. To screw up, especially in volleyball. [Northern California; in Da Bomb click here].
Shank you very much! (sentence) This is used to thank a volleyball opponent for screwing up. [Northern California]
Shasta (int.) Shot down/slamed/regulated. [SUNY-Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Shatty/shawty/shorty (noun & vocative) 1. Female; used to replace a name. [Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA] 2. A person younger than yourself. 3. The person with whom you are sleeping. 4. An attractive person of the opposite sex. [Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA] 5. Girl; friend; associate. [Atlanta, GA;] 6. Cute girl, or guy, a short person, or just a name to call someone. [Morgan State U., Baltimore, MD] 7. Your girlfriend. [Perrysburg High School, Perrysburg, OH]
Shell (adj.) Crazy, unexpected, inappropriate. [University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC]
Shiesty (adj.) 1. Slick, sly, or devious. [Queens College, NYC] 2. Nasty, scummy. [Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ]
Shife (adj.) Very cool; da bomb. University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA]
Shiiiiit (noun) Something wierd or cool or something to laugh about. [Wisconsin]
Shitfaced (adj.) Really drunk. [Central Michigan University, Mt Pleasant, MI]
Shitty (adj.) Drunk; intoxicated. [Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA; Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL]
Shiz (noun) Cool shit. (Used in reference to music, etc.) [Fort Smith, AR]
Shiznet 1. (int.) Expression of disgust. [Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL] 2. The shit; something very good. [Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD]
Shnazzy (adj.) Cool. [Kinkaid High School, Houston, TX]
Shocka (verb) Hang loose; relax. [University of Washington, Seattle, WA]
Shootin' stars (phr.) Having hard nipples. [Pontiac, IL]
Shoots! (interjection) "Okay!", "Alright!", "Right on!" [University of HawaiiManoa, Honolulu, HI]
Shop Liftin' Da Putty (verb phrase) Gettin some and never seein da lady again;using her for sex only. [Perrysburg High School, Perrysburg, OH]
Shucked (adj.) Intoxicated, especially by marijuana. [Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC] (primarily used by non-Greeks in the drug culture)
Siced (adj.) Happy or hyped up about something. [Washington D.C.] (used primarily by students from Prince George's County)
Sick (adj.) Awesome, neat, cool. [Santa Cruz University, Santa Cruz, CA]
Sig (verb) To talk to much, never shut up. [East Central University, Ada, OK]
619 (noun) The area (i.e., code) you are from. [San Diego, CA]
Sizzle (verb) To be very good looking. [Chicago, IL]
Skeered (adj.) Scared. [Ottawa Hills High School, Grand Rapids, MI]
Skeevy (adj.) Shady, unsavory, icky. [University of Delaware, Newark, DE]
Sketch (noun) A random, weird person (male or female), typically seen at parties dressed in ragged clothing drinking a 40. [University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; in Da Bomb click here].
Sketchy 1. (adj.) Not enough information; uncertain. [West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV] 2. Usually used in reference to a male, who is presumed to be sleazy, although the details are unclear. [Tufts University, Medford, MA] 3. Odd, abnormal, or strange. [Union College, Schenectady, NY]
Sketel (noun) A girl with too many men or who behaves like a whore. [Immaculate Conception, Jamaica , W.I.]
Skets (noun) A girl who behaves like a sketel; a girl who behaves like a whore at times. [Immaculate Conception, Jamaica , W.I.]
Skid (noun) A person who likes to hang out after dark. [Lewiston, ID]
Skill twist (noun) A good fuck (sexual experience). [Northwestern University, Evanston, IL]
Skinny (adj.) 1. Greedy; selfish. 2. Uncool. [University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX]
Skittle {offensive} (noun) A whore. [St.Thomas, USVI]
Skoochie 1. (verb) A skank hoochie (either male or female). [Bluefield State College, Bluefield, WV; Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO] 2. A male hoochie. [Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH]
Skoot (verb) 1. To go or move along. 2. To hurry; to hurry up. [Palo Alto, CA]
Skrilla (scrilla)(noun) Money. [Rice University, Houston, TX; Boston, MA]
Skull (verb) Oral sex. [Vincennes University, Vincennes, IN]
Slackmaster (noun) Someone who doesn't work for a living. [St. Louis, LA]
Slam (verb) 1. To play basketball. [Montreal, Canada] 2. To dis; to punk. [Kinkaid High School, Houston, TX; in Da Bomb click here].
Slap happy (adj.) Jumpy and excited. [University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL]
Slim (noun & voc.) Person, friend. [Howard University, Washington,D.C]
Slip (verb) To lose control of a situation or to lose sight of reality. [Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA]
Smack (smack ass) (verb) To be very good; to be cool or awesome. [University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN] (primarily used by punk rockers)
Smackdown (noun) Beating someone up. Usually invoked as a disciplinary action. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
Smashed (adj.) Really drunk. [Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada]
Smoother (noun) Someone who is smooth; one who can persuade. [University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada]
Smoove (smooth) 1. (adj.) Cool; got it goin' on; bad (good); sweet; cool; fresh; phat. [University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, AR; University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI] 2. (verb) To vomit. [University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, AR]
Snapdragon (interjection) Just another way of sayin' G__ Damn. [Langston University, Langston, OK]
Snaps (noun) Money. [Radford University, Radford, VA; and Da Bomb]
Snook (snookie) (voc.) A term of endearment one uses in direct reference to one's close friends. [Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA]
Snoot (noun) Nose. [Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA]
So (adv.) Really. [St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA]
Solid (adj.) Enjoyable and fun. [University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT]
Som'em som'em (something something) (noun) A reward; usually any form of sexually activity. [North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC; in Da Bomb click here]
Sometimes on pancakes (phrase) As if; yeah right. [Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA; St. Petersburg High School, St. Petersburg, FL]
Sorry (adj.) No good, poor quality. [UC-San Diego, San Diego, CA]
Spankin' (adj.) Very cool; da bomb. [University of Pittsburgh, Titusville, PA]
Spiffy (adj.) Something cool or neat. [College of the Southwest, Hobbs, NM]
Spiffy nugget (noun) Either something very good or something that you think is lame, but the person you are speaking to is enthusiastic about it. Sort of a sarcastic remark in that instance. [Atlanta, Ga]
Splat (adj.) Really cool. [Long Island, NY]
Spliff (noun) A "Marley-style" joint (marijuana cigarette), characterized by a roughly cylindrical shape, the point being the end smoked from. It enables the roller to fit most of the weed outside the roach. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
Sponge (noun) Someone who is always living off others' money. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Spoon (noun) A geek; a dork; someone you are putting down (usually an acquaintance). [University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA; in Da Bomb click here].
Spumoni (adj.) Extremely neat; very good; da bomb. [Rose State College, Midwest City, OK]
Square bit'ness (verb) Handle your business; take care of things (before they take care of you). [University of Houston, Houston, TX]
Squeng {offensive} (noun) A whore. [St.Thomas, USVI]
Squirt Belly (noun) A very very fat girl. [Walsh University, North Canton, OH]
Stack chips (verb) To save money; to be thrifty. [Fairfield, CA]
Star (noun) A girl that's fine. [San Jacinto College, Houston, TX]
Stay frosty 1. (verb) Stay cool. 2. (verb) Take it easy. 3. (int.) Goodbye. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI]
Stellar (adj.) Super or above everybody. [Queens College, NYC]
Stickleroo (noun) A cool person; a hip person; one who's down with the knowledge. [University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN] (used primarily by Greeks)
Straight (adv. & adj.) 1. No doubt about it. 2. Cool. [Atlanta, GA; MacMurry College, Jacksonville, IL] 3. Fine; acceptable; ok. [University of Illinois; Falls Church High School, Falls Church Virginia; in Da Bomb click here].
Straight up (adv.) Right to the point. [Manchester High School, Manchester, GA]
Strange (noun) A new or previously unknown sexual partner. [Northern Virginia Community College, Woodbridge, VA] (primarily used by males)
Sucka (noun) 1. A person. 2. A person who sucks. [University of Arkansas, Elkins, AR]
Suck balls/dick {vulgar, offensive} (int.) Its a come back to lame cut down. In essence, Shut up! [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
'Sup (greeting) What's up? Hi. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY; Havelock High School, Havelock, NC; and Da Bomb]
Supa (noun) A man that does it all and makes it look easy. [University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA]
Sup now? (interjection) Used to degrade someone further after you have already degraded them physically or verbally. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Super doke (pronounced "doooo" with the mouth only slightly open) (adj.) Really cool. [St. Petersburg Junior College, St. Petersburg, FL]
Super-tight (adj.) The bomb; very good; fun. [University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS]
Swank (adj.) Cool; really great. [Austin, TX]
Swayze (verb) To leave or go somewhere. (It is somehow related to Patrick Swayze, the actor.) [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI]
Sweat (verb) To find a member of the opposite sex attractive. [University of Delaware, Newark, DE]
Sweet (adj.) Very nice or new. [Goldey Beacom College, Wilmington, DE; Portsmouth, OH; and in Da Bomb:]
Sweetie 1. (vocative) Used to address a person. [Sheraden, Brampton] (This term is used towards male and female and is usually spoken by a female.) 2. An extremely good looking guy or girl. [St.Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada]
Swerved (adj.) Intoxicated; drunk. [University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV]
Take a hit of (my) nector (verb phrase) Engage in oral sex. [New York City, NY]
Tanked (adj.) Intoxicated. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Tap (verb) To have sex. [University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX; Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
tard (noun) A person (usually male) who is too ignorant to see blatant sexual hints given by the opposite sex, which causes the individual to never get any action and be a virgin for the rest of his/her existence. [Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH]
Taz (noun) A crazy person. [Piner High, Santa Rosa, CA]
Thank you, Captain Obvious (Grand Admiral; Emperor; Lieutenant) (interjection) A retort to a ridiculously apparent statement. [University Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA]
That's word (word being pronounced with a long uh at the end) (phrase) The final word in the context of what you are speaking. [Brevard Community College, Cocoa, FL]
The beast (noun) Something that is hard or diffcult. [Waverly High School, Waverly, Ohio]
The dog's (adj.) Short for "The Dog's Bollocks"; something very good. [University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada]
The goat shit (adj.) Variation on "The Dope Shit". Something that homeys think is cool but that is actually simply the goat shit. [University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada]
The grail (noun) The ultimate in anything. [University of Akron, Akron, OH]
Thirsty (adj.) Exhibiting extreme desperation. [Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA]
Throw me a bone (phr.) Help me out; give me a chance. [Wake Forest U., Winston-Salem, NC]
Throw up the T (phrase) T stands for trick. A girl who uses guys like pieces of meat and makes you think you have a chance with them, but in actuality, you don't. You use the phrase whenever you see a girl that you positively know is a trick. (The phrase is meant to be followed up by a certain hand motion. This motion of using both hands to make a "T" (a.k.a. timeout in sports game) signifies that a trick has been spotted. This is very important! Also, the "T" is not a toy; use it ONLY when it is necessary.) [Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH]
Thump (verb) To put down, show up or best someone. [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Tight (adj.) 1. All that; really neat; cool; attractive; draws attention. [Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH; Rice University, Houston, TX; Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA; University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA; Florida State University; CSU Hayward, Hayward, CA; Delta College, Lathrop;University of Washington, Seattle, WA; University of California at Davis, Davis, CA; Piner High School, Santa Rosa, CA; Lubbock, Texas by way of the Navy; Souix Falls, SD; Jefferson County, MO; in Da Bomb.] 2. (also, tight-tight) Very close friends. [Memphis, TN]
Tipsy (adj.) Drunk. [Bay Area, CA]
Titanic (int.) Youre going down! [Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR]
Tits (adj.) Very good; well liked. [Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; and Da Bomb]
T Jones (noun) Mother. [University of Houston, Houston, TX]
Toasted (adj.) Intoxicated. [Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA; and Da Bomb]
Tool (noun) 1. A dorky or otherwise socially confused individual (almost always male) [University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX] 2. A looser; a disliked person. [Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne FL] 3. Someone who is being used by someone else. 4. Someone who has done something foolish and is feeling embarrassed. [Leoville Central School, Leoville, Saskatchewan, Canada] 5. Slut, hoe, sleazy gal. [University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA; in Da Bomb click here].
Toolbelt/toolbox/toolshed (noun) 1. Geek,dork,dweeb. 2. Overly pompous,obnoxious, self-centered. [College of Mount Saint Joseph, Cincinnati, OH]
Toothache (noun) [give a toothache (phr.)] Sweetness. [Act sweetly.] [Denver, CO]
Tore back (adj.) Looking bad usually after serious intoxication; a little more severe than to' up or to' up from the floor up. [Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA]
Tore up (adj.) Not in order; messed up. [Concordia University, Irvine, CA; in Da Bomb: Toe up (adj.) Drunk or not feeling well. After partying all night I was way toe up and so had to get a ride home.]
Toss salad (verb) To lick someone's anus. [Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA]
Tostito (noun) A fine Black man. [Temple University, Philadelphia, PA]
Total Z (adj.) Short for: total zero; it means acomplete idiot. [Dual Language School, Balatonalmadi, Hungary]
Totty (noun) Attractive members of the opposite sex. [Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland]
T-rashed (adj.) Extremely intoxicated. [Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI]
Trees (noun) Marijuana, weed, bud, ganja. [Contemporary Learning Academy, Denver, CO]
Tribe (noun) A group of friends or buddies. [Harold Washington College, Chicago, IL]
Trick (tric) (noun) 1. A person who is not cool. [Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA] 2. Usually a girl who sells her body for sex. [Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA] 3. A person who has someone that likes them so they use them for their money and generousity and then go out with someone else. [Reported from a high school in Oak Hall, VA; in Da Bomb click here].
Tric that (phrase) Forget that. [Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA]
Trife/trifling (adj.) (short for trifelin) 1. Bad, useless, corny, played out. 2. Snobby and obnoxious. [Central High School, Philadelphia, PA] 3. Dirty, slobby, lazy, or ghetto. 4. To look bad. [Baltimore, MD]
Trifilin' (try-full-in) (adj.) Lame; fails to live up to expectations. [John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD]
Trip (verb) 1. To overreact. [Mililani, HI] 2. To go crazy. [Hope College, Holland, MI; Rider University, Lawrenceville, NY; in Da Bomb click here].
Trippy (adj.) An unexplained reaction from a person. [California State University, Hayward, Hayward, CA]
Truck (verb) To knock someone over or run over someone. [Penn. State U., University Park, PA]
Tru Dat (int.) Yes, I agree. I know what you mean. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI]
Tweaker (noun) 1. A tweaker is someone who's been trippen out lately; 2. Someone who uses methamphetamines. [Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR]
Tweakin (adj.) 1. Cool, neat. 2. Used by druggies to mean using a drug and smoking pot. [Northeastern Middle School, York, PA; in Da Bomb: Tweak (v.) To be high from drugs. Do you see Liz? Yeah, she is tweaking.]
Tweek (verb) To flip out or trip balls. [Penn State, State College, PA]
Uh..Ya! (interjection) Of course. [University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX]
Undoke (pronounced "doooo" with the mouth only slightly open) (adj.) Uncool. [St. Petersburg Junior College, St. Petersburg, FL]
Unky dunky (noun) Weed; marijuana. [Washington, DC]
Untranslatable (adj.) Something hard to understand, to believe, to discribe, or to tell about. [Ural State Academy of Railway Transport, Ekaterinburg,Russia]
Vermen (noun) A hillbilly; a dirty person who watches NASCAR and lives in a trailer. [Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH]
Vicid (adj.) Cute, pretty, or nice. [Wayne State University, Detroit, MI]
Vid (noun) A notable or somehow striking image or memory of an image. [Williams College, Williamstown, MA]
Virgin slayer (noun) A male who only goes out with and tries to have sex with virgin females. The male thinks of it as a game. [San Diego, CA]
Vishass (noun) A nice butt. [Philadelphia, PA] (used primarily by Greeks)
Wack 1 (adj.) Strangely odd. 2. (adj.) Bad; terrible. [Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia; University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, AR; Grand Valley University, Grand Rapids, MI; SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY; Midland College, Midland, TX; University of North Carolina-Wilmington, Wilmington, NC] 3. (adj.) Cool. 4. (verb) To beat your meat; to jack off; to masturbate (male). 5. (verb) To hit someone. [University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, AR; in Da Bomb click here].
Wag the dog (phr.) A response to something that was good or exciting. [WebbHigh School, Reedsburg, WI]
Walking on sunshine (phrase) Really happy about something; in love (or really deep like). [Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA]
Wank 1. (noun) {offensive} A person who thinks they are cool but they really ain't sh*t. [Luther College, Decorah, IA] 2. {slightly offensive} (verb) To masturbate. [University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Wales]
Wanna (verb) Want to; have the desire to. [Houston, TX; and Da Bomb]
Want crackers with that? (sentence) A statement made at the sight of a "Souped up" car (one with ground effects, tinted windows, rear spoiler, chrome accessories, low riding tires...and a wigga in the driver's seat). [Lincoln, RI]
War (noun) The act of getting back at someone. [Compton, CA]
Watching Grease (verb) 1. Having sex. 2. Pretending to have sex. 3. Masterbating. [Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH; Kent State University, Kent, OH; Pittsburgh Art Institute, Pittsburgh, PA]
Wax 1. (verb) To have sex. 2. (noun) Sex. [Bakersfield College, Bakersfield, CA]
Wazzup? (greeting) Hi; what's up? [University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; and Da Bomb]
Weak (adj.) 1. Unbelievable. 2. Surprised. 3. Funny. [Bennet College; Greensboro, NC] 4. Excellent, really good. [Louisville, KY]; in Da Bomb click here].
Wench (noun) Derogatory term for a woman; synonymous with slut, bitch, ho. [Glamorgan University, Pontypridd, Wales]
Whack (whacked) (see wack) (adj.) 1. Weird; unusual. 2. Messed up. (Under either definition it could be derogatory but is not necessarily so). {note: see wack above} [Morrisville High School, Morrisville, PA; Edison, NJ; in Da Bomb: Whacked (adj.) 1. Stupid; ignorant. That girl's whacked! 2. Crazy or different. That story was so whacked I couldn't understand it. ]
Whacked out (adj.) Strange or uncool or a crazy-acting. [East Valley, AZ]
Whatever (interjection) I don't care. [Houston, TX; and Da Bomb]
Whats the haps on the craps? (greeting) What's happening. [Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL]
What the dealy? (greeting) What's going on? [Elmira College, Elmira, NY; Sydney, Australia]; What the dealy, yo? (greeting) What's happening or what's up; hi. [Morrisville High School, Morrisville, PA]; What the dilly? (greeting) What's up? What's goin' on? [South Windsor, CT]; What's the dilly yo'? (question; greeting) What's going on? How are you? [New York] What the dilly yo'? (question; greeting) What's going on? How are you? State University of New York, Oneonta, NY]
What up, Big Cuz? (interjection) Greeting. What's going on? [University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR]
Whip 1. (interjection) Exclamation of surprise (like damn) [University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL] 2. A motor vehicle, generally an auto. [Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ]
Whipped (adj.) Having too much sex. [Boston University, Boston MA]
Who dat? (int.) Who is that or who is there? [University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL]
Whomp (verb) To beat, to hit. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
Whup ass 1. (verb) To defeat someone or something. 2. (verb) To be rowdy. 3. (noun) Defeat. 4. (noun) Rowdiness. (can be reversed as ass whup) [Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK]
Wicked 1. (adj.) Cool. [East Coast, submitted from Newark, CA] 2. (adv.) Very. [University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; and Da Bomb]
Wifebeata (noun) A man's A-neck t-shirt. [University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA]
Wig (verb) To overreact; to respond emotionally. [Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA]
Wiggity-wack (adj.) Overwhelmingly bad. [Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia]
With a quickness (phrase) Fast, hurriedly, A.S.A.P.. [University of Alabama, Birmingham, Birmingham, AL]
Witness(noun) A handgun. [Sonora, CA]
Woopty-woo (interjection) Exclamation when something good has happened. [Dakota County Technical College, Rosemount, MN]
Word (interjection) That's right; I agree. [MacMurry College, Jacksonville, IL; and Da Bomb]
Wrecked (adj.) Intoxicated. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Wrenched (adj.) Intoxicated; wasted; drunk outta yo' mind. [Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA]
Wujh (int.) A word used to replace a sigh or a gasp. [Pittsburgh , PA]
Wusup (greeting) What is up? [Houston, TX; and Da Bomb]
Xippie ( pronounced zippie) (noun) Gen-X hippie or hippie wannabe. [USC, Columbia, SC]
Ya know this! (interjection) Expression of agreement or reassurance. [University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA]
Yeah cow (int.) Aight. Dat's cool. [Jackson State University, Jackson, MS]
Yo (adj.) Your. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD; in Da Bomb click here]
Yoha Broha (greeting) Salutations my good fellow; what's up. [North Seattle Community College, Seattle, WA]
You got that? (sentence) Do you have any smoke (weed)? [Washington, DC]
You got your balls/nuts thumped/kicked/bulldozed (s.) You just got put down or got your ass kicked or got showed up. Has a sound "Dudleump!" [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Young (vocative) A person. Used in place of the person's name. [Bowie High School, Bowie, MD]
You're nuts (phrase) Telling someone that they are strange, or don't make sense. [Portsmouth, OH]
Your six (phrase) Behind you. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI]
Yummy pants (noun) An attractive female. [University of Missouri at Kansas City, Kansas City, MO]
Za (noun) Pizza. [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI]
Zed (vocative) A person, usually a guy. [Portsmouth, OH]
Zeltoids (noun) Pot; weed; marijuana. [North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, NC]
Zip it (int/) Shutup you idiot. [St. Louis, MO]
Zipperfish (noun) A woman's genital area; pussy. [Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge]