IDWIC (phrase) (pronounced "Id (like the psych term)-Whick") I do what I can. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI] I don't got time to flirt (sentence) I'm busy; I don't have time to talk. [University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA]
Igg (verb) To bother. [A.U.M., Montgomery, AL]
Ight (int.) Ok; I got it. [Piner High, Santa Rosa, CA]
I goin drop you (sentence) Im going to kick your ass. [Hawaii] (primarily used by athletes)
I guess (int.) Whatever; yeah right; if you say so. [Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO]
Ill 1. (adj.) Dope or butters. 2. (interjection) A reply to a sarcastic remark; as if. [St.Francis College, Brookyln Heights, NY]
I'ma (phr.) I'm going to. [Leesville, LA]
I'm a lesbian (s.) Only said by guys; it means I love all women. [Tillsonburg Ontario Canada]
I'm bout' to dip (phr.) I'm getting ready to leave. [Lake Howell High School, Winter Park, FL]
I'm ghost (sentence) I'm gone; I'm leaving. [Santa Rosa, CA; and Da Bomb]
I'm outie (phrase) I'm out of here. [Atlanta, Ga; in Da Bomb: I'm audi]
Incognito (adj.) Stealth-like; on the DL. [Thomas S. Wootton HS, Rockville, MD]
Instagate (verb) To cause a fight. [Western Oklahoma State College, Altus, OK]
Instagater (noun) The person who causes a fight. [Western Oklahoma State College, Altus, OK]
Internship in da white house (phrase) Let's have anal sex. [University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario]
In the cuts (phr.) Anywhere far away and obscure from where you are. Usually it's somewhere very narrow, like an alley, or somewhere with a lot of vegetation, like bushes or a field. [Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA]
In the hizou (adj.) In agreement; going along. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Ish (noun) Shit; something bad. [Piner High, Santa Rosa, CA]
Issues (noun) Problems. [Centre College, Danville, KY; and Da Bomb]
It's all good (sentence) Don't fret; everything's all right; it's ok. [Cincinnati, OH; and Da Bomb]
It's all maple syrup. (phr.) Intended as a mockery of the apathetic phrase, "it's all good." It shows how petty the original phrase is. A term of "hip" social hypocracy, used by (would be) activists. [University of Seattle, Seattle WA]
I was all (phr.) In the process of action. [California State University, Hayward, Hayward, CA]
Izzie (vocative or noun) A friend; usually used to replace a name. [Barton College, Wilson, NC]
Jack (verb) To steal. [Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA; in Da Bomb click here.]
Jack off (verb) To do nothing. [Actually a high school submission but ok: Nordonia Hills High, Cleveland, OH]
Jack up (verb) To improve upon. [Houston, TX; in Da Bomb click here.]
Jac-up da ace (phrase) To turn up the air conditioner. [Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA]
Jam (verb) 1. To leave; to go. 2. To play with a band, but no song in particular; to have a jam session. [University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; in Da Bomb click here.]
Jammed (adj.) Upset, irritated. [Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH] (used primarily by athletes)
Janky (adj.) Cheap, raggedy or just improper in some sort of way. [University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX; and Da Bomb]
J-Crew Clones (noun) Frat boys. [Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI]
Jeff (verb) To kiss the ass of someone you know doesn't like yo ass. [Penn Valley Community College, Kansas City, MO]
Jerry (adj.) Something that is weak or not well done; retarded. (Comes from Jerry's Kids.) [Doane College, Crete, NE]
Jesus Freak (noun) Someone who is serious about their relationship with Jesus Christ; often used pejoratively. [UCO, Edmond, OK]
Jet (verb) To leave; to go. [University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA; Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA; West Miami Middle School, Miami, FL; Montreal, Canada; and Da Bomb]
Jig (verb) To dance well. [East High School, Erie, PA]
Jiggy (adj.) 1. Stylish, in vogue, looking good from head to toe. [Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA] 2. Sexually aggressive. [Buffalo, NY] 3. Cute, cool, down. [University of Delaware, Newark, DE] 4. Live, full of energy, hype, cool. [Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA] (Judi's note: Will Smith has certainly given new life to an old word!)
Jism {vulgar} (noun) Sperm; semen; cum. [Stamford, CT]
Jit (noun) A young'un; a newbie. [Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY] (primarily used by athletes)
Jizz {vulgar} (noun) Semen. [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Jock (verb) To pick up or hit on someone. [University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA]
Joe (noun & vocative) A friend. [University of DC, Washington,DC]
John Blaze (adj.) Better, da bomb, number one; something to do with being the best for anything. [Sydney, Australia]
Joint (noun) Restroom. [University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA; in Da Bomb click here.]
Jone (verb) To talk about. To rag on some ones gear. To say very mean things about some one. [Howard University, Washingtion, D.C.]
Jones (verb) To desire something greatly; usually used in reference to a cigarette. [University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; and Da Bomb]
Jorge (pronounced "whore hey") (vocative) Used in greeting with good friends. (from Hey whore" reversed). [St. Petersburg High School, St. Petersburg, FL] (primarily used by females)
Junk (noun) Generic noun; thing. [East High School, Erie, PA; in Da Bomb: Junk (n.) Male genitals. She was all over my junk! [Slym.: PRIVATES, UNIT]]
K (noun) Ketamine. [Columbus, OH; in Da Bomb click here.]
Kari (verb) To make fun of; to clown on. [Howard University, Washington, DC]
Keg (noun) A beer gut (usually on guys). [East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA]
Kewl (adj.) Cool; very good. [Santa Fe Trail High School, KS]
Keyed (adj.) Intoxicated; drunk. [University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV]
Kick (verb) To put down, show up or best someone. [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Kickass (adj.) Way cool!!! [UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; and Da Bomb]
Kick it (verb) To relax; to hang out. [University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; in Da Bomb click here.]
Kicks (noun) Shoes. [University of Pittsburgh, Titusville, PA; Harrisburg, PA; and Da Bomb]
Kid (noun & voc.) A friend. [Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA; and Da Bomb]
Kief (adj.) Rather bad or pretty cool. [Gladsaxe, Copenhagen]
Kill (verb) To make fun of or become angry toward someone (usually because they have done something extremely stupid). [Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI; and Da Bomb]
Killer boots (noun) Awesome shit; the coolest thing; good news. [Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI]
King size (adj.) Really big. [Umea Universitet, Umea (Sweden)]
Knock (verb) To kick ass; to defeat (physically). [Hawaii] (primarily used by athletes)
Kochee {vulgar} (noun) A female's genitals. [University Of Iowa, Iowa City, IA]
Kooch {vulgar} (noun) Vagina. [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Lamp (verb) To hang out. [Lewiston, ID; in Da Bomb: Lamp (v.) To daydream. Don't be lamping, Man.]
Larrie 1. (noun) Someone who is beyond stupid. 2. (adj.) Slacking, unable to perform a common function, frothing with extraneous stupidness. [University Of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI]
Late (int.) Goodbye. [Piner High, Santa Rosa, CA; and Da Bomb]
Latex (int.) Concluding remark at parting (as opposed to saying "later" or "goodbye"). [Cal Poly, SLO, San Luis Obispo, CA; Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA; University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV]
Lava (verb) What your lava lamp does. [Cornell University, Ithaca, NY]
Lay it out straight (verb phrase) Tell it like it is. [Norman High School, Norman, OK]
LDS {vulgar} (noun) When a guy gets dumped on his ass by a girl; hangs around after words have flown; tries to get back together with her or another girl right away and can't be a single; is trying to get a date. (It stands for limp dick syndrome.) [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Leet (adj.) Elite. [Piner High, Santa Rosa, CA]
Legend (adj.) Really amazing-it will be talked about for ages. [Pakuranga College, Auckland, New Zealand]
Lifted (adj.) Drunk. [University of Washington, Seattle, WA]
Lil' boy (noun) A boy who is afraid to ask a girl out and so has his friend do it for him. [Could only be a high school, right? ;-) Bowie High School, Bowie, MD]
Lightweight (noun) Someone who can't hold their alcohol. [Ohio University, Athens,OH]
Lit (adj.) 1.Angry. 2.Drunk. [Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene,TX; and Da Bomb]
Little debbie (noun) {offensive} An overweight woman. (University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA]
Live park (verb) The act of waiting in traffic or driving round the block while someone runs an errand. [University of Texas, Austin, TX]
Loc (adj.) Uncool, stupid. [Raleigh, SC]
Loopy (adj.) Drunk; intoxicated. [Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, NJ]
Loot (noun) Money; cash. [Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA; University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA; Boston, MA]
Lop (noun) Someone who is a bit slow, who is not accepted, and who is just plain dumb; someone who is nerdy. (Usually used to put someone down.) [California State University at Northridge, Northridge, CA; in Da Bomb click here.]
Lord (noun) A scumbag or dirty person that everyone looks down upon. (It was derived from Scumlord.) [University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA]
Lover (noun) Someone you want to be with or are with. A good looking person to whom you are attracted. [Annapolis, MD]
Lovins (noun) Sex; kisses; anything romantic or "loving" that you do with your partner. [University of Akron, Akron, OH]
LS&Players (noun) {derogatory} The students who are in Michigan's College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI] (primarily used by Engineering Students to mock the easy life of liberal arts students.)
Lumberjack (noun) A homosexual. [University of Illinois, Chicago, IL]
Lunachick (noun) A girl who is bascially psycho, or exhibits behavior that is out of the ordinary for the given situation. [Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA]
Lunch (verb) To go crazy. [Howard University, Washington, DC; in Da Bomb click here.]
Maanis (adj.) Embarrassed, shamed. [Auckland University, Auckland, Australia]
Mack (verb) To get with someone; to kiss someone; to screw around. [Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA] 2. To date someone. [Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD; in Da Bomb click here.]
Mackin' a hoe (phr.) Having sex with a slut. [University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA]
Mad (madd) 1. (adj.) A lot, many (used when talking about alot of something. It is not used when saying you go somewhere often, or do something often). [Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CN; University of Pittsburg at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA; Florida International University, Miami, FL; Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Drew University, Madison, NJ; and Da Bomb] 2. (adv.) Very. [University of Pittsburg at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA; and Da Bomb]
Mad crazy (int.) Used to express disbelief. [Boston, MA]
Mad dog (verb) To stare at someone like they is a punk. [Norman high school, Norman, OK; in Da Bomb click here.]
Mad flava (noun) Either the hippest, or hottest of a given subject or activity. [Brigham Young University, Provo, UT]
Mad skillz (noun) Extreme prowess. [Howard University, Washington, DC]
Mahu {likely to be offensive}(noun) 1. A guy who like fool around with guys. 2. Drag queen. [Hawaii]
Mail (noun) Money. [Lamar University, Beaumont, TX]
Marvy (adj. and interjection) Something that is good (a shortened form of marvelous). [New College, Sarasota, FL]
Mash (verb) To make out; anything from kissing to oral sex, but not intercourse. [University of Evansville, Evansville, IN]
Maytag (verb) To be thrashed around by a water hydrolic (such as a wave or river). [California] (used by kayakers)
Micky ficky (noun) It is synonomous to mother f*#ker. (It is a nicer way to say M.F. It was taken from the movie "Do the Right Thing" [Spike Lee's] and it was taken from when the movie was aired on public TV. Micky ficky was used as a voice over for M.F.) [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI]
Minute (noun) A long time. [Boston, MA]
Miskinakolatopi (phrase) I dig (like) you. [University of Maryland, College Park, MD]
Mo (noun) 1. A homosexual. 2. Used among friends as a teasing vocative. [Philadelphia, PA] (used primarily by Greeks)
Mofo (noun) 1. Sex. [Honolulu, HI] 2. {offensive} Short for mother f****er. [Atlanta, Ga]
Molester (molest) (noun) Something bad or really creepy. [Rice University, Houston, TX]
Money (adj.) Cool; suave; hip; all that. [University of Texas, Austin, TX; Ohio University, Athens, OH; Highline Community College, Des Moines, WA; and Da Bomb]
Mongoloid {offensive} (noun) Illiterate person. [Lamar University, Beaumont, TX]
Mop (verb) To beat someone up, especially in a street fight. [Chicago, IL]
Moppy trick (noun) The process of slamming large quantities of 100 proof alchohol. [Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI]
Mountain {somewhat vulgar}(noun) A boner; an erection. [NYU, New York, NY]
Movement (noun) An outing or just going out. [Immaculate Conception, Jamaica, W.I.]
Muff diver {vulgar} (noun) 1. A lesbian. 2. A guy that likes to eat at the "Y". (girls genitalia). [Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI]
Mug (mugg) 1. (verb) To kiss someone (usually while drunk, and hopefully something worth bragging about the next day). [Texas A & M University, College Station, TX] 2. (adverb) A lot; very. [Bowie High School, Bowie, MD; Tampa, FL] 3. (noun) Something very large. [Tampa, FL] 4. (noun) A character; a person. [Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY; in Da Bomb click here.]
Mug down (verb) To make out (kissy-kissy) like bandits. [ACU, Abilene, TX]
Mule {offensive} (noun) A girl you only go out with to 'ride'; most likely fat or ugly, or both. [University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ]
Mule with a broom {offensive} (noun) A really ugly mule (girl). [University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ]
Munchies (noun) 1. The hunger associated with marijuana use. 2. The food acquired to fill that hunger.[SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY; in Da Bomb click here.]
Munted (adj.) Totally pissed (intoxicated). Really out of it due to drinking vast amounts of alcohol. [Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England]
Muzak (noun) The elevator stuff. [Santa Fe Trail High School, KS]
My bad (noun phrase) My fault or error. [Hardee College, Wauchula, FL; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia; St Joseph's College, Standish, ME; Houston, TX; and Da Bomb]
Naamps (noun) A very hot girl. [University of Virginia, Charllottesville, VA]
Na I'm Jus Sayin' is all (phrase) Explaining. [College of DuPage, Glenn Ellyn, IL]
Na, na, bitch (phr.) Something stated is not true; a.k.a. don't go there. [Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH ]
Narf 1. (int.) Used when one messes up. 2. (noun) The name for someone who messed up. 3. (noun) A goof. [Missouri Western State College, St. Joseph, MO]
Nark (noun) A stupid person, an idiot. [Fruitland, ID]
NDS {vulgar} (noun) A coward; someone who takes putdowns and shit. (It stands for no dick syndrome.) [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Negatory (int.) No; I don't think so; No way. [St Joseph's College, Standish, ME]
Nigal (noun and voc.) A good or close friend. [Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI]
Nigga (noun) {potentially offensive} Friend or close acquaintance. [Salem State College, Salem, MA]
Niiiiice (you have to pronounce the "i" really long) (adj.) Really fucking cool. [University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, WI]
Ninja (adj.) Secret; on the d.l. [Falls Church High School, Falls Church Virginia]
Nipply (adj.) Cold, chilly. [University of North Texas, Dallas, TX]
NLP (noun) Short for No Limit Power. Can't be stopped. [Watson Chapel JR. High & High School, Pine Bluff, AR]
No brainer (adj.) Easy; not much work; little thinking required. [Texas A & M University, College Station, TX] (They note this is used primarily by students in the liberal arts because "Engineers do not speek [sic] languages. Just numbers.")
No dig (no diggity) (interjection) That's true. [St. Augustine's College, Raleigh, NC; New York; New Jersey; Connecticut; and Da Bomb]
'noid (adj.) Paranoid. [Indianapolis, IN]
No limit (adj.) Willing to do anything to win. [Watson Chapel JR. High & High School, Pine Bluff, AR]
No no no to you (phrase) Your are wrong (emphatic). [Parkville High School, Baltimore, MD]
Nook (noun) A problem. [Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI]
Not like talking about it (phrase) To bluff; to exaggerate. [Richmond, VA]
Not my dog (phr.) It is someone else's problem. [Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT]
Nottie (Notty) (noun and adj.) A person who thinks they're a hotty, but they aren't. [Atlanta, GA]
Num {vulgar}(verb) To perform oral sex upon someone. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL]
Obese (adj.) Very phat; extremely cool. [University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX]
Off da' heazy (adj.) Spectacular, great; off the hook. [Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC]
Off tap (adj.) Excellent, beyond stylin'. [Atlanta, Ga]
Off the hook (adj.) Fun; live; out of the ordinary or unusual in relation to normal accepted behavior. [Bowie State University, Bowie, MD; and Da Bomb]
Ol' E (noun) Old English 800 Malt Liquor, in the 40. [Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI; and Da Bomb]
On a halfshell (in a halfshell) (phrase) Used to express disbelief in someone's actions (can have negative or positive meaning). [Bay Area, CA]
On da wires (phrase) 1. Speaking on the phone to a person. 2. Signed onto the internet by means of a modem. [Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY]
On the real (phrase) For real, Im telling you the truth, and let me tell you something. [Greece Athena High School, Rochester, NY]
Ooohhh ok (int.) Sure, whatever (sarcastically spoken). [St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA]
Ouish, struglin' (adj.) Lacking in skills; not quite up to par. [Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA]
Out of pocket (Outta Pocket) (adj.) Crazy; off; not right in the head. [Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; South High School, Milwaukee, WI]
Out-the-gate (adj.) Unbelievable; ridiculous. [Buffalo College, Buffalo, NY]
Pablo (honey), come to Florida. (sentence) You use it with friends to let them know you miss them and want them to come visit or call (from a Jerky Boys song). [Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO]
Paper (noun) Money. [Lamar University, Beaumont, TX; and Da Bomb]
Paper boy (noun) A guy who has been around the neighborhood more than the paper boy; male hoe; someone extremely dirty. [Southwestern College, Chula Vista, CA]
Parlay (and) marinate (verb) To chill; to cool out; to relax. [James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA]
Partna (noun) A friend or a person you are talking to. [Piner High, Santa Rosa, CA]
Peach (noun) A very attractive girl. [Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA]
Pear (adj.) Shape obtained by a college freshwoman. [Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL] (Judis note: must be the dorm food!)
Peace out (int.) Good bye. See you later. [Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA; and Da Bomb]
Peep 1. (noun) A person. 2. (verb) To steal from assault, or otherwise negatively affect. [Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont; in Da Bomb click here.]
Peep Game (verb phr. & int.) A command given to alert the listener to pay close attention. [University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; California State University-Hayward, Hayward, CA]
Peops (peeps) (noun) Close friends. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; in Da Bomb click here.] 2. Congratulations. [Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario, Canada]
Perp (verb) To tell a lie; to act fake or guilty of something. [Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro,TN; in Da Bomb click here.]
Petro (noun) Gasoline. [Radford University, Radford, VA]
Phat (adj.) Nice; cool; awesome; great. [Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA; Jefferson County, MO. At the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA; Camas High School, Camas, Washington; Sydney, Australia; a high school in Iowa; in NYC and in Milwaukee, WI, they report phat as meaning, "pretty hot and tempting." If you want to know the full story you should look in Tom Dalzell's book. In Da Bomb click here.]
Phat-a-tat-tat (you say it kind of fast) (adj.) Da bomb diggity, all that, the shit, the bomb shit, very good. [South Carolina University, Charleston, SC]
Phatty (adj.) 1. Good, nice, great, any positive adjective. 2. Big. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
Phiggity/figgity (adv.) Used in conjunction with the term "phat", meaning "very". [New Canaan High School, New Canaan, CT]
Picasso (noun) Someone who is trying to explain something to you. [San Jose, CA]
Pieced (adj.) No longa a virgin. [Perrysburg High School, Perrysburg, OH]
Piggies (noun) Breasts, especially ample breasts. [University of Colorado, Boulder, CO]
Pillow biter{Offensive} (noun) A homosexual. [Fairfield County, CN]
Pimp (verb) 1. (verb) To be cool. 2. (verb). To try to get with; to try to date. [Boston, MA; Kentucky] 3. To discipline. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD; in Da Bomb click here.] 4. (adj.) Super cool, super phat, out of this world. [St. Petersburg, FL]
Pimp ass (adj.) Tight; really cool. [Rice University, Houston, TX]
Pimpin' (adj.) cool; phat; very good. [Boston, MA]
Pimpmobile (noun) A badass car, especially one used to pick up women. [University of Vermont, Burlington, VT]
Pit (adj.) Pathetic, ridiculous. [Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH] (used primarily by athletes)
Pitch (verb) To ejaculate. [University of Western Ontario, London, Canada]
Pix (noun) Pictures or photographs. [Houston, TX]
Play 1. (verb) To make a fool of. [Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA; in Da Bomb click here.] 2. (noun) Sex or lovin'. [West Chester University, West Chester, PA]
Play it off (phr.) It's hard to explain-you say it when you are trying to pretend that you just DID NOT do something dumb like if you trip or bump in to someone or drop something YOU can say it "play it off" or your friends can say it like "Dick play it off" or "yeah try and play it off" you know like your trying to act as if nothing went wrong it kinda helps because people KNOW that you are aware that you did something dumb but basically that you don't really care or it wasn't a big deal. [UCLA, Westwood, CA]
Playa (player/playette) (noun) 1. A person who can manipulate people or things to his/her advantage. [Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA] 2. A person with one or more relationships with a different person at the same time. [Baltimore, MD] 3. Male or Female that kicks wit someone else even while goin' wit someone. [UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; in Da Bomb click here.] 4. Usually a male with many girlfriends. [Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario, Canada]
Playa 4 Life (noun phrase) A Life member of the Playas Association. One who stays true to the game of playing. [Northern Virginia Community College, Woodbridge, VA] (primarily used by males)
Playa Hata' (noun) A person who hates peeps who play da field in which sex is main priority. For example, if you are dating someone and someone sees you messing with another person who is not your girlfriend and then they go back and tell your girlfriend.[Perrysburg High School, Perrysburg, Oh; Greene-Taliaferro High School, Greensboro, GA; in Da Bomb click here.]
Played out (adj.) 1. Old skool thang. 2. Over used. 3. Tired of it. [University of California at Davis, Davis, CA]
Plunger pumping {offensive} (noun) Gay sex. [Colorado Mountain College, Leadville, CO]
Poonjab (noun) {offensive} An Arab or Indian Student. [Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH]
Poontang {vulgar} (noun) Semen. [Chireno High School, Chireno, TX]
Poh poh (noun) Public Security; the police. [Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI; and Da Bomb]
Poppin' (verb) Happening or going on. [University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX] (primarily used by athletes)
Power tool (noun) A person who is more of a tool than most tools. A very inconsiderate or dislikable person. [University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada]
Pressed (adj.) Anxious. [Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA]
Pretty shit (phr.) Fancy (with sarcastic emphasis). [Royal Oak Middle, Victoria, BC]
Props (propz) (noun) Respect or esteem; is generally an acknowledgement of accomplishment. (The term 'props' is also frequently accompanied by such adjectives as 'mad' or 'much', both of which signify a large amount.) [New York University, New York, NY; SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY; Mercy High School, Farmington Hills, MI; in Da Bomb click here.]
Pubic safety (noun) The derogatory term for the campus police. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Puddy (noun) 1. Pudding (particularly that served in a college cafeteria 2. A part of the female anatomy. [Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA]
Puff (adj.) Outstandingly good of its kind; of exceptional merit, virtue, etc. [Orick Community College]
Puffy clam {vulgar}(noun) Female genitalia. [Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD]
Pull (verb) To get off (make out; kiss) with someone of the opposite sex. [Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland]
Pull a moe (verb/phrase) 1. To complain about minute details and annoy people in a particular situation. 2. To act like a child. [San Diego State University, San Diego, CA]
Pull tubes (verb) Smoke marijuana from a bong. [Chico State University, Chico, CA]
Pulse (verb) To go to the ATM machine. [University of Texas, Austin, TX]
Punk (verb) To put down; to let down; to dis; to insult. [C.H. Yoe High School, Cameron, TX; in Da Bomb: Da Bomb click here.]
Pure (adj.) Virgin. [Memphis, TN; Atlanta, GA]
Puss {possibly offensive} (noun) A female. [St.Thomas, U.S.V.I.]
Puss gargle (verb) To lie. [Okanogan University College, Penticton, BC, Canada]
Pussy-boy (noun) Someone who is weak either physically or mentally or is a coward. [University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA]
Put the smack down (verb phrase) To intervene in a harsh manner. [SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY]
Puttin' out the Puss (noun phrase) Someone who dresses for school as though they were heading out for a night on the town in a place requiring skanky attire. [University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada]