Cockney villains
- bang to rights - caught red-handed committing a crime, or otherwise fairly and squarely
- blag - robbery
- blagger - him wot done the blag
- bent - stolen, or otherwise dishonestly acquired
- chaw - steal
- chiv - knife, or blade
- claret - blood (Claret everywhere! - a right messy business)
- (to get) dark - to become very displeased, to turn 'heavy'
- dodgy - of dubious legality
- dodgy gear - (i) stolen property (ii) counterfeit goods
- dodgy geezer - villain
- drum - place of residence
- firm - a gang of villains working together
- funny money - counterfeit money
- gaff - place of residence (As in 'turn over 'is gaff' = search his home)
- going equipped - being in possession of house-breaking tools
- grass - to inform (the police) an informer (As in 'I ain't no gwass')
- have it away on your toes - speedily escape (from the scene of the crime)
- have it over the wall - escape following a break-in
- it's a fair cop - antique response to you're nicked (qv)
- job - a villainous enterprise
- lock-up - a lock-up garage used by villains to stash dodgy gear (qv)
- manor - territory
- minder - bodyguard and general fixer
- motor - motor car (As in: ' 'ello John, gotta new motah?')
- mob-'anded - force in numbers
- moody - obfuscating, deceptive and unco-operative (As in 'e's gone a bit
- moody on me')
- naughty boys - usually used by villains to refer to other villains who are
- out of order (qv)
- the nick - police station, or prison
- nicking - stealing (Confusing: 'to nick' can also mean 'to arrest')
- old bill - the Metropolitan Police. (n.b. not usually the old bill)
- patch - territory
- the plot - area under police surveillance
- put the frighteners on - to intimidate, possibly with the threat of
- violence
- Roller - Rolls-Royce motor car
- sawnoff - sawn-off shotgun
- shooter - firearm
- shop - to betray to the police
- skyman - pickpocket (From sky rocket (qv) - pocket)
- snide - counterfeit
- snout - paid informant regularly providing information to the police
- sparklers - diamonds
- t.d.a. - taking and driving away (a motor-vehicle without the owner's
- consent)
- tooled up - carrying weapons
- wheelman - driver of getaway vehicle
- you're nicked! - you're under arrest
- [At the nick]
- " 'Allo 'allo 'allo, who's been a naughty boy, then?"
- The Nick
- bheulux - complete nonsense: a feisty response to leading questions during interrogation
- bodies - people arrested
- brief - solicitor, and also barrister (As in: 'give my brief a bell' = call
- him on the telephone)
- backhander = bribe
- bung = backhander
- coppers - bastards!
- done up like a kipper - outmanoeuvred by the opposition strategy
- a drink - bribe (As in: 'there might be a drink in it for you'; a big drink - large
- filth - police
- fitted-up - charged with an offence regardless of guilt or innocence using manufactured
- guv'nor - Police Detective Inspector or Chief Inspector
- in the frame - suspected by the police of being involved in a particular crime
- the law - the police
- low-life - verminous villain
- overdue - time you were convicted of something considering your habitual villainy
- out of order - contravening unwritten but well known codes of behaviour
- put your hands up - admit responsibility for a crime
- skipper - Detective Sergeant
- slag - (i) female of dubious morals; (ii) more broadly, a treacherous
- villain
- slag off - verbally compromise another's reputation
- a spin - rattle some villains by rounding them up and interrogating them
- stitched up - similar to done up like a kipper (qv)
- talking telephone numbers - referring to a considerable sum of money
- toerag - contemptuous term for especially lowlow-life (qv)
- well hard - extremely tough, possibly with a reputation for violence
- woodentops - derogatory term applied to uniformed officers by CID
- A Result
- The Bailey - Central Criminal Court in Old Bailey, EC4
- banged up - imprisoned
- beak - judge (Somewhat antique but still in use)
- bird - a prison sentence, time spent in prison (See Rhyming Slang)
- carpet - three months imprisonment (See Rhyming Slang)
- cockle - ten years imprisonment (See Rhyming Slang)
- go down - to be sentenced to imprisonment (See take him down (qv))
- The Island - HM Prison Parkhurst (on the Isle of Wight)
- The Moor - HM Prison Dartmoor
- inside - staying at one of the above
- nonce - sexual offender (Ignominious company for your proper villain in the nick)
- porridge - time spent in prison
- result - successful conviction
- screw - prison warder
- The Scrubs - HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs
- snout - used inside to mean tobacco, not an informant
- stir - prison
- take him down - the judge's last words to a convicted villain (The holding cells are
often under the courtroom)