A ...for 'orses
absobloodylutely - couldn't agree more!
ace - the best
akkas/ackers - money (From the Egyptian coin)
aggro - (i) difficulties (ii) violence
ain't half - very (As in 'it ain't 'alf hot')
all over the shop - very erratic movement, or figuratively, behaviour
all 'round the houses - where cabbies take you if they think you're a
alright, John? - typical contemporary greeting (to somone of unknown name)
ammers - West Ham United Football Club
'andsome - very nice!
another day, another dollar - the cabbie's refrain (Often used as or with a
greeting, like 'nice day')
ankle-biters - children (Variation of nipper (qv))
any joy? - have you been successful?
Archer - 2000 pounds sterling (As in 'I won an Archer on the gee-gees!)
arse over tit - rude variation of 'head over heels'
as it goes - as it happens, in the sense of 'in fact'
ask me one on sport - not really knowing what someone's on about (Source:
B ...for 'amburgers
back'ander - bribe
bag of mystery - sausage
ball and chain - one of many terms for wife
(to go) ballistic - to go crazy, ususally with rage
bangers - sausages (As in give us a bash at the bangers an' mash me muvver
useter make)
barmy - extremely foolish; mad
Bank of Dunlop - on which dodgy goose's are drawn
barney - row, violent argument
be-ave - behave, in the sense of 'be sensible'
bees knees - similar to the dog's bollocks (qv)
be lucky - a parting salutation
bell - call on the telephone
bender - (i) a drinking spree (ii) a passive homosexual
biddy - woman (Derogatory; sometimes used to mean 'tart', often 'old
Bimmer - BMW motor car
bingo! - a successful conclusion (After the numbers betting game)
bit of alright - something approved of (As in 'she's a bit of alright')
bit of fluff/stuff/crackling - (desirable) girl
bird - girl, girlfriend (See also Rhyming Slang)
black as Newgate's knocker - very dirty (After the long-demolished debtors'
bleedin' - mild swearing used for emphasis (As in 'what a bleedin' game,
(cor) blimey - corruption of the oath 'God blind me' (Sometimes 'blimey
blinder - 'dazzling' performance (As in 'the boy played a blinder')
blinding - brilliant
bloke - man
bloody well - emphatically so (As in 'I should bloody well fink so an'
bloomin' - very mild swearing used for emphasis (As in 'it's a bloomin
lark, innit?')
blower - telephone
bob - shilling(s) (old money)
Bob's yer uncle - indicates a successful outcome, similar to bingo (qv))
bobbing and weaving - boxing term used to describe how to survive life's
ups and downs
bollocks - universily used to mean 'nonsense'
bonce - head
boozer - public house
bosh - to apply liberally, e.g. plaster (As in 'bosh bosh zhoom zhoom...')
bottle - grit, or nerve
(to) bottle it - to lose the nerve
bounce-up - an altercation
bovver - trouble, usually fighting
brass monkeys - cold (As in 'it's brass monkeys, innit?')
breadbasket - stomach (antique)
brothel creepers - suede shoes
bubble (and squeak) - fried leftover potatoes with other vegetables (esp.
Buck House - Buckingham Palace
buckshee - free
bunk - 'disappear' expediently (As in 'e's done a bunk' or 'bunking off
bunk-up - sexual intercourse
bundle - (i) a fight (ii) a lot (As in 'I don't go a bundle on that' = 'I
don't like it much')
(go for a) Burton - come a cropper; be the victim of an accident or
(the) business - seriously good
C ...for miles
cady - hat (antique)
cakehole - mouth
cat's mother - indicates dislike of being referred to in the third person
(As in 'she ain't the cat's muvver')
Caw - abbreviated corruption of the oath 'God blind me', an all-purpose
chancer - risk-taker
char - tea
chavvy - form of address to male (As in 'watcha chavvy')
cheap and cheerful - functional as opposed to luxurious
cheeky - obviously not exclusively Cockney, but much used in phrases like
'cheeky sod'
chief - form of address to male, in the sense of a tradesman to a customer
chipper - in good health and buoyant mood
choked - (i) very disappointed (ii) overcome with emotion generally (Also
as noun choker)
chronic - terrible, unpleasant; similar idiom to diabolical (qv)
chuffed - highly delighted
clear off! - go away!
clip rahnd the ear'ole/lug'ole - to strike someone's ear with the flat of
the hand
clobber - clothes, kit
to clock - to see and recognize (As in 'Old Bill's clocked us!')
cock - universal form of address, usually (but not always) to one of
unknown name
cock sparrow - affectionate form of address, usually to male child
(Pronounced 'sparrah')
come again? - what did you say?
come off it - expression of emphatic disbelief
come the old acid - pretend to have authority, 'try it on' (As in 'don't
come the old acid wiv me')
come up lovely - how something apparently beyond redemption might be
constibule/occifer - comical and mildly derogotary form of address to
to cop - to take, get (As in 'to cop an elephant's' (qv))
to cop hold - to take hold
to cop off - to make an excuse to avoid something
copshop - police station
copper - policeman
cotton on - catch on, understand
crack on - get on with some work
crikey - corruption of Christ, used as an exclamation
cuppa - a cup of tea
cushy - easy (As in 'e's always 'ad it cushy')
cushty - fine; going well, sorted (qv))
D ...for ential
darlin' - typical address to female (of unknown name)
dave - bloke dahn the pub
dead - very (As in 'it's dead easy')
dear - typical address to male or female, (of known or unknown name,
excluding male to male)
dekko - look (As in 'let's 'ave a dekko')
delooks - good quality (Comical rendering of 'de luxe')
diabolical - terrible (Often rendered as 'absolutely diabolical', usually
as hyperbole)
diamond geezer - high praise reserved for loyal and trusted mate
dip - pickpocket
do a runner - leave an area unexpectedly, or the scene of a crime promptly
do me a favour - short for 'do me a favour, don't bother' (to continue what
you're saying or doing)
do the off - leave
do what? - what did you say?
doddle - something easy
dodgy - dubious, of dubious merit; most likely illegal
(the) dogs - greyhound racing stadium
(the) dog's bollocks - last word in excellence (As in 'finks 'e's the dog's
bollocks nah')
dog's dinner - overdressed or made up (As in 'done up like a dog's dinner')
doing a bit - working for a living
dolled up to the eyebrows - made up to look very glamorous
done - (i) arrested and charged (ii) swindled
done over - beaten up
done us proud - to have laid on something, such as a function, extremely
don't half - certainly do (As in 'I don't arf 'ate vis wevver')
doolally tap - crazy (Not exclusively Cockney)
dosh - money
dosser - down-and-out, tramp
drinker - pub
duck, ducks - another all-purpose form of address to male or female
ducking and diving - similar to bobbing and weaving (qv) (See also Rhyming
Slang) dunkie - condom
E ...for brick
earner - a source of income (Used broadly: not necessarily earned in the
strict sense)
ear'ole - ear
effing and blinding - using foul language
end of - end of story = and that's all abaht it.
'er indoors - the missus!
F ...for vescent
fags - cigarettes
fair go - an even stand-up fight
fell off the back of a lorry - goods come by dubiously, 'nuff said
fancy - much used instead of like (As in 'fancy a drink?' or 'she fancies
fancy that! - similar to 'well I never' or 'would you believe it?'
fiver - 5 pounds sterling
flanker - indirect tactic used to outmanoeuvre someone (Usually 'work a
(the) flicks - the pictures = the cinema
flippin' 'eck/'ell - exclamation of surprise and/or annoyance
fourpenny one - a blow well landed (As in 'give 'im a fourpenny one')
G ...for lemon
gaffer - boss
garn - go on = expression of disagreement and disbelief
(the) gee-gees - horses; a race meeting
geezer - bloke
gelt - money (One of a number of Yiddish words in common useage)
gehr - get out, usually as an expression of surprise
gehrcha! - get out you, mostly used in the sense of (i) I don't believe a
word of it, or (ii) mild threat
gerrahtuvit - bugger off
get your finger out - stop slacking, advice famously given to the working
class by Prince Philip
git - contemptuous term for objectionable person
giving it some of that - has various meanings depending on accompanying
hand gesture
go down a treat - enjoyable
to gob (on) - to spit
gombo - somone lacking astuteness
Gooners - Arsenal FC
goosegogs - gooseberries
Gordon Bennet! - an exclamation, like 'bloody hell!' (Probably a corrupted
grief - problems, hassle (As in 'he's been giving me grief')
grub - food
guts for garters - used as a dire threat (As in 'I'll 'ave yer guts fer
gutted - emotionally overwhelmed by events
guv'nor - boss, or anyone perceived as being 'in authority'
H ...for bless you (Usually dropped!)
had an eyeful? - have you seen enough? = don't keep looking
had a few - ironic euphemism for drunk
half a bar - ten shillings (old money)
half a dollar - half a crown = two shillings and sixpence (old money)
handy Harry - useful, especially conveniently
hang about - pause or wait, in the sense of 'just wait a minute'
happy as Larry - very contented
have a banana - comic nonsense, originally from the song 'Let's All Go Down
The Strand'
have a pop - attack, verbally or physically
hark - often used instead of listen (As in ' 'ark at 'im!' = who does he
think he is?
Her Majesty - Queen Elizabeth II (In deference, an effort may be made not
to drop the aitch)
herbert - a bit of a joker
hiding - beating (As in 'give 'im a good 'iding', often used by villains to
denote punishment)
hold up - similar to hang about (qv)
home, James (and don't spare the horses) - used to affect 'swank', usually
hooter - nose (antique)
hop - often used for 'go' (As in 'hop out to the shops' or 'hop it!' =
clear off (qv))
how's yer father - sexual activity
(the) hump - fed up (As in 'she's giving me the hump' = she's making me
feel fed up)
I ...for Novello
I gehcha - I get you = I follow your meaning, I understand
I got su'ink o'yourn? - do I have something belonging to you? = why are you
staring at me?
I tell yer - much used in conversation to mean 'I assure you I mean what I
iffy - dubious
in stook - in trouble, usually in the financial sense
innit - is it not
it's got a back to it - this item is only being loaned, not given
J ...for oranges
Jack The Lad - bit of a geezer = reknowned for bravado
jam sandwich - police car
jammy - lucky (As in 'jammy bleeder!')
jiggered - very tired
joey - (silver) threepenny piece (old money)
John - typical address to male (of unknown name)
johnnie - condom, one of the most common terms
juicer - variation of drinker (qv) = pub
K ...for restaurant
keep yer 'air/wig on! - calm down!
khazi - lavatory (From the Indian)
kick the bucket - die, decease, to be no more, join the choir invisible
kicking - to be given 'a kicking' is to be beaten up, not necessarily
actually kicked
kip - sleep
knackered - exhausted (knackers =testicles)
knees-up - party
knock it on the head - stop doing something (Similar to leave it aht (qv))
knocker - street salesman
knocking it out - selling goods on the streets
knockout - absolutely terrific (qv)
(the) Knowledge - knowledge of London streets a cabbie must learn to get a
L ...for leather
lah-di-dah - posh, or affecting a superior air (See also Rhyming Slang)
lairy - gaudy
language - obscene language (As in 'I don't want to 'ear no language')
large ones - thousands, of pounds sterling
large portion - indicates a strong liking (Beloved of Hale & Pace: 'a large
portion, yes!')
lark - fun, funny trick (As in 'it was only a lark')
to lark about - to behave frivolously
later, yeh? - contemporary form of 'see yer later'
laugh to see a pudding crawl - easily amused
leave it aht! - don't say/do that!
leave off - ditto
leg-over - to have sexual intercourse (Refers exclusively to male)
legit - common shortening of 'legitimate', often 'strictly legit'
legless - very drunk
lip - cheek(iness) = insolence (As in 'Oi! Less uv yer lip')
littl'uns - children
Liz - Queen Elizabeth II
look-out - used to mean problem or concern (As in 'that's *your* look-out')
to lose it - to lose your grip on a situation (As in 'you've lost it
lumme - corruption of the oath 'Lord love me' (antique)
luv - another typical address to female (of unknown name)
luvverly - very nice
luvverly jubberly - comical elaboration of above
M ...for sis
mah son - affectionate address to male (As to a footballer: 'Go on, mah
mate - (i) typical address to male (of unknown name); (ii) a good friend
maulers - hands
mazuma - money
merchant - peddlar, but used broadly and figuratively (As in wind-up
merchant (qv))
Mickey Mouse - second-rate or inferior (Can be applied to anything from a
car to a country)
miffed - annoyed
minger - someone hygienically and stylistically challenged (Source:
mitts - hands
missus - wife (usually 'the' missus)
monika - name (As in 'stick yer monika on that' = sign here)
monkey - 500 pounds sterling (Indian Raj: a 500 rupee note pictured a
(don't give) a monkey's (uncle) - couldn't care less
more rabbit than Sainsbury - talks too much (See Rhyming Slang)
mouldy - worthless (As in 'five mouldy nicker's all 'e giv me')
mouthy - inclined to rabbit (Pronounced 'maafy')
mush - typical address to male (of unknown name)
musn't grumble - typical response to 'how are you?'
muzeltov - good luck (a toast)
N ...for lope
naff - poor quality, or unfashionable
naff off - go away
narked/narky - annoyed, cross
never - often used instead of 'didn't' (As in 'no I never!')
nice one - well done
nicker - pounds sterling
niff - smell, usually unpleasant
nifty - (i) neatly functional (ii) 50 pounds sterling
nine-bob note - homosexual (Usually 'bent as a nine-bob note')
nipper - child
nosh - food, a meal
not half - strong agreement (See also ain't half, don't half (qv))
not likely - certainly not
not many - more contemporary variation of 'not half' (Sometimes 'not many,
notes - pounds sterling
nut - head
nutter - headcase!
O ...for the wings of a dove
off your rocker - insane (Often used to denote a general lack of confidence
in someone's thinking)
oggs - fruit stones
oi - used to attract attention, like 'hey!' Can be friendly or aggressive,
depending on emphasis
oi oi - (i) wotcher, how's it going? (ii) 'hold up, (qv) what's this?'
old - rarely used literally, usually indicates familiarity and/or affection
old girl - affectionate address to wife
old man/old woman - husband/wife (Often affectionate possessive, as in 'my
old man')
on the knocker - selling door-to-door
on the piss - out drinking, perhaps in several different boozers
on yer bike! - go away immediately, and quickly
(the) one and nines - cinema (from a long-standing price of admission, 1s
9d real money)
out of it - not properly conscious
over the moon - deliriously happy (As in 'I was over the moon, Brian')
P ...for relief
palaver - a fuss or bother, usually prolonged
(to go) pear-shaped - to go wrong
piece of cake/piss - something easily done
pikey - someone of no fixed address, usually a tinker or traveller
pissed - drunk
pissed on your strawberries/sandwiches - brought down a peg, perhaps
plastered - drunk (again!)
playing away - footballing metaphor for committing adultery
plonk - (i)cheap wine - see Rhyming Slang; (ii) a blow (As in 'plonk 'im
plonker - (i) penis (ii) inept person
ponce - (i) pimp (ii) effeminate male (iii) to cadge
poncing abaht - behaving (i) effeminately or (ii) generally ineffectively
pong - a nasty niff (qv)
pony - 25 pounds sterling
pop - like hop (qv) often used for 'go' (As in 'just poppin' aht luv')
posh - upper class (See FAQ)
posh git - objectionable member of the upper classes
potless = broke (As in 'ain't got a pot to piss in')
poxy - lousy, no good
pudding basin - describes a 'rough and ready' haircut, effected by placing
same over the head
pull - to liase successfully with one of the opposite sex
punch up the bracket - to strike in the face (antique)
purfick - perfect, just right (Cockney/Kentish)
push-bike - usual term for a bicycle
put a sock in it - blunt instruction to be quiet
Q ...for ages
Queenie - affectionate term for Her Majesty
Queensbury rules - sometimes used as a phrase to suggest a fair fight to
settle a dispute
(in) Queer Street - in difficulty or trouble
quid - one pound sterling
R ...for mo
rat-arsed - extremely drunk
razzle (dazzle) - a lively night out (up West (qv), possibly)
(the) readies - ready cash
result - successful conclusion (As in 'we 'ad a right result')
right - word often used to give emphasis instead of 'very' (As in 'a right
good hiding')
Ron and Reggie - angels (As in 'they was luvverly boys...')
round the bend/twist - mad, barmy
rozzers - police officers (Perhaps not exclusively Cockney)
to rubbish - to speak negatively about
ruck - fight, or argument
rumble - discover, reveal (As in 'we've bin rumbled')
S ...for Rantzen
Saafend - Southend, an Essex seaside resort
sarky - sarcastic (Often 'sarky git, inne?')
schmutter - clothing
score - twenty (Not slang, except when applied to 20 pounds sterling)
scrap - fight
scrote - term of abuse (Presumably from 'scrotum')
scumbag - someone of low moral character
seeing to - sexual intercourse (As in 'gave 'er a good seeing to')
shagged out - exhausted (Shag = to have intercourse)
she's a real lady - term of highest praise for female
shell-like - ear (As in 'a word in your shell-like')
shemozzle - row, confusion
sherbet - all-purpose term for drink (As in 'let's go and 'ave a few
shindy - fight
shout - round of drinks in the pub (As in 'it's my shout')
shufti - look (As in 'take a shufti')
(all at) sixes and sevens - to be disorganized or disorientated
(to have a) skinful - to drink an excess
skint - penniless
slap - much used in the sense of to bring someone to order (As in 'he's
asking for a bit of a slap')
slap and tickle - sexual activity (antique)
slaphead - bald geezer
slapper - loose woman of fading looks (As in 'she's a right old slapper')
sling yer 'ook - go away
smatter? - what's wrong?
snitch - to inform or tell tales; an informant
so-and-so - term indicating dislike (As in 'he's a real so-and-so')
sorted - one word sentance declaring resolution of a difficulty
sovs - sovereigns (Redundant coinage worth one pound sterling, the term is
still used)
splosh - a nice lot of money
spondulicks - money (antique)
spot of bother - some trouble (Often used as an understatement)
squire - form of address to male, not usually used as deferentially as it
might sound
stone the crows - expression of amazement (Often bloody crows)
straight (up) - really, seriously; can be as a question as well as response
strides - trousers
stroll on! - you'll be lucky! = definitely not
stroppy - difficult, moody and unco-operative
struth - an exclamation, corruption of 'God's truth'
stumm - silent, in the sense of 'reveal nothing' (Often as one-word
command; from German = dumb)
swank - show off
sweet as a nut - absolutely perfect!
sweet F A - sweet Fanny Adams (A euphemism for 'fuck all' = nothing)
sweet'eart - typical address to female, usually of unknown name
T ...for two
tail - prostitute
tanner - sixpence (old money)
tash - moustache
tasty - (i) very good, or very capable (Often 'a bit tasty') (ii) desirable
tenner - 10 pounds sterling
terrific - much used to indicate strong approval; equally often
threads - clothes
tidy - much used to mean 'nice condition' (As in 'tidy motah, John')
tip-up - a drink (usually alcahol)
toff - upper-class person (Possibly from 'toffee-nose' = one affecting
superior air)
tom - prostitute (See FAQ)
ton - a hundred (As in 'do a ton' = travel at a hundred miles per hour)
tosser - foolish or inept (male) person (From to toss = to masturbate)
tot, totting - scrap, collecting scrap = waste materials (As in 'sling off
a bit of tot')
Tranny - not a transistor radio, but the immortal Ford Transit van
tumble - realise (As in 'e's tumbled to it')
turn-up - unexpected event or outcome (Often 'that's a bit of a turn-up'
(for the books))
two and a kick - two shillings and sixpence (old money)
tyke - often used to refer to (naughty) kids
U ...for me
up for it - willing, game
up yours - an abusive rejoinder
up West - refers to the West End of London
useful - good at rucking (qv)
V ...for Espania
verbals - talk, in the sense of inappropriate or disrespectful comments
Virtual London - follow this link
W ...for quits
wallop - (i) a blow (ii) beer (As in 'giv us a pint of wallop, Bert')
wally - (i) foolish or inept person (again!) (ii) gherkin, a pickled
delicacy from the chip shop
watch it - be careful
well - very (Much used, in phrases like 'well out of order' 'well gutted'
and so on
what is o-ccurring - either 'what the hell's going on', or more lightly
'what's happening'
what's the score? - what's the current situation; what's happening?
whopper - a lie (As in 'telling whoppers')
wicked - seriously good, ultra-cool
wind-up - something done or said deliberately to annoy or upset
wind-up merchant - somone habitually perpetrating the above
(to throw a) wobbler - to lose control of the emotions
wossname - all-purpose term for something not remembered
wossup? - what's the matter?
wot's wot - worldly understanding (As in Max Miller's 'now you're married
now you know wot's wot')
wotcha/wotcher - hello (Often 'wotcha cock', 'wotcher mush' etc; from the
old phrase 'what cheer?')
X ...for breakfast
x - there ain't no bleedin' x, is there? Hang about though...
x's - expenses (Cash up front for a job)
Y ...for wherefore
yob - trouble-making youth (backslang for 'boy')
you're a scholar and a gent - typical polite compliment to someone viewed
you're having me on - you're joking
Z ...for Zodiac
zeds - sleep (zzzzzz...)
zhoom zhoom - see 'bosh bosh'