she'll be Apples! everything will be okay
Arse over tit or tip fall over
get your Arse into gear someone is asking you to get moving
Arse about face something is back to front
Ankle biter young child
Ant's pants height of fashion OR high opinion of themselves
Aussie some one from Australia a Australian
Ay ? didn't catch what someone has said, or pardon me
this Arvo this afternoon
Aggro some who is aggravated, upset about something
Av-a-go-yer-mug someone is not trying hard enough in their sport, and you want them to (this is yelled to give them a bit of a push a long)
Anyhow mate! a saying used to change the subject when talking (usually when they bored with what you are saying)
Apricots a man's testicles(reproductive glands)
Ace excellent
Alf stupid person
Amber fluid beer
Apple eaters someone who lives in the state of Tasmania (apple growing state)
Arvo afternoon
Awning over the toy shop male beer belly
Agots man's testicles
AV jennings marriage meaning your first marriage (AV Jennings is a builder in Australia
specializing in building houses for young married)
Aerial ping pong Aussie rules football
your Acres male testicles
All the go something is right with it, popular
that place is a Arm pit it stinks, it terrible
Barbie or B.B.Q barbecue cooking outdoors
Bananas someone going crazy with anger
Banana bender some who lives in the state of Queensland,
No We Don't Spend Our Time Bending Bananas (Queensland is the Banana growing state)
Basket case someone on the edge of mental collapse
Better half your wife or husband
Bloke Australian male
true Blue something that is real Australian
having a Blue having a fight or argument
that's Bang on it's hit the target right in the middle, OR it's right, or correct
give it a Bash you will try something you are not sure of
you're Battler you work hard to earn a living
mow the Brigalo suckers shave the beard
Blowing your dough spending all your money
you"re a Bow wow you are really ugly
what is this? Bush week? you tell someone something is not true
Bull dust a lie
Breakky first meal of the day
you little Beauty, that's Beaut excited approval, something has gone really well
Big note yourself to say you are better or more important than you are
Bottoms up drinking the whole glass of something all at once (usually beer)
your old Bag, the old Bag a term for a woman, usually the wife, the mother inlaw, or such
Bagged someone critised or put someone down
a terrible Balls up terrible mistake, every things gone all wrong
the Back of Beyond far out bush as you can get, right out outback of Australia
past the Black stump the same as back of beyond
Blow through leave in a hurry
Blow in stranger in town
Bloody oath I do "yes" you really, really do approve of what's someone is saying
Bob's your uncle you just understood something that at first you did not not understand
hit in the Breadbasket they hit you in the stomach
put the billy on putting water on to boil, usually camping out to make a cup of tea
he bolted he left very quick
over with Bar flies you going over to talk to the old men who drink and talk in the front bar of a pub(hotel) from when they open to when they closes(they sit on a beer for hours)
Bonzer there mate! that's great friend
Boomer kangaroo
Booze, Boozer alcohol, pub or hotel OR a person who is a heavy drinker
got no Brass you got no money
Blue Heeler police
Barrack to spur you team, or sport on
Billabong a waterhole
Blowies blow flies
Buckley's chance no chance at all(Buckleys &nunn)
off to the Bog to leave an offering off to the toilet to leave a deposit
Banged up pregnant
Beak your nose
give someone a Bell ring them on the phone
Blimey you are surprised by something
you little Bottler delight, something as gone the way you want
ya bloods worth Bottling! someone has done something good for you, you make this statement
go for a Bo-peep a sly look at something
Bunghole your mouth
Bum your arse end(bottom) or someone down on their luck and living on the street
give it a "Butchers" you will look into it (rhymes with butcher's hook)
Built like a brick shit house you are saying something or someone is of very strong construction (usually outside tiolets are made of wood)
old Batalax or Battle-Axe wife OR mother-inlaw
Brass razoo no money
he's a Broken packet of biscuits his life looks good on the outside, but his a mess on the inside
chock a Brown dog OR kick a Brown dog you are going to get your tension out (figuratively NO you don't chock or kick a brown dog)
going to have a Bex you are going to settle your self down from some sort of stress (figuratively not taking a Bex which is a drug) usually a cup a tea, a cry and a good lie down
Bugalugs a freindly endearment
Beating around the bush not getting to the point on a subject
Bluey a nickname for someone with red hair
gidday you old Bastard a term of endearment
Back of Bourke the middle of nowhere
Bail out you leave
Bail up hold up OR rob OR earbash
have a Barney fight or scuffle OR argument or tiff
Bathers swimming costume (VIC. & SA)
Belt up! you are asked stop talking ,be quite, in a angry way
Berko angry in a unreasonible way
Block your head
do your Block you are angry or loose your temper
go to the Block go to your vacant piece of land
Booze bus Police van used for randon breath testing for alcohol
have a feed of Bug (Moreton Bay Bug) small crab
Bullamanka imaginary place in the far outback, as far as you can go in the outback
Bunyip mythical spirit creature from outback
give it a Burl give something a try, that you have not done before
Bushbash go off road in a vehicle, forcing your way through untouched bush
it's BYO bring your own(alcohol to a restaurant, OR meat to a barbecue)
Billy cart a go-kart of a kids (childs) construction
not doing Bugger all you doing absolutely nothing
Bush telegraph the town gossip network
Bludger someone who fails to do anything at all they are asked (lazy)
Bludge to do nothing at all
what a Bummer you're been let down by something
Boogie Board half-sized surf board
ugly as a box of Blowflies that's real ugly
Brown-eye to show ones bottom, mooning
Bung to put (bung another snag on the barbie mate!)
Brown-eye to show ones bottom, mooning
give it a Burl give some thing a try, that you have not done before
Bullamanka imaginary place in the outback, beyond any where
Bickie a dollar
Beanie ski hat
going Berko gone mad, looks like going mad
it's a Bomb it's cool or it' a old car
Bindie-eye a grassy nettle
go to Buggery ask to leave or keep your nose out-in a very nasty way
Biscuit cookie
on the Blower telephone
Bugger me dead! extremely shocked at something
Bugger off? they are telling you to go, in a not very nice way
Brumby wild horse
Bum nuts eggs
doing your Block you are getting very angry, loosing your head
town Bike Woman of loose morals, sleeps around
Bush pig an un-attractive woman
I'm Busy as a one legged bloke in an arse kicking contest your doing nothing
Burr up get angry
a Bruce a man
my Bad my mistake
Back hander a bribe
out in the Back Blocks beyond suburbia and the more established farm and cattle property
Belly flop diving incorrecty into water with the stomach breaking the water
to put the Bite on someone to ask them for money
even Blind freddy could see that what someone would say to you, if you are not understanding something think is obvious
Beaten by a blow shearer slang, running shears from one end of sheep to the other
Buddy Bundaberg rum
Brickies cleavage top of the buttocks exposed
Bolt errect penis
Bullshit! said when someone makes a incorrect statement or you may think so
Boofhead friendly team to greet someone not to smart
Blotto someone being drunk
Bite your Bum go away or be quiet
Butcher 285ml beer in South Australia
going like a Blue ass fly doing something very fast
better then a poke in the eye with a Blunt stick something is sorter OK
Bog going to the toilet or having a shit
Chippie carpenter
Chook a chicken, rooster or hen
it's Chock a block or Chocker's full to the point you can fill no more or crowded to over flowing
Chinnwag having a good chat
someone Carked it they've died
somethings Cactus It's died
Can it tell someone to stop it or shut up
you Choof off You go now
Cheerio saying goodbye
something is a Cock up its gone all wrong
Cock and bull something it a lie (cock and bull story)
Codswallop cods-swal-lop a lot nonsense or a lie
Croweater someone who lives in the state of South Australia, the states outback has a lot of crows
Cockroachsomeone who lives in the state of new south wales, don,t ask why
Creamed someone or term as beaten someone else or term by a huge margen
go and have a Cuppa have cup of tea or coffee
give someone a bit of Curry give someone a hard time of it
off to the Crapper you off to the tiolet
that's a load of old Crap (load of old shit) a lie
Cripes !! I,ve stepped in something you in extreme discomfort
stop the Crap! stop what you are doing or saying its not right
you will be waiting till the Cows come home you be waiting all day
Clod hoppers your feet
I'll go and have a Captain Cook you'll go and have a look at something
Chew the fat have a good talk together
put on your Cossie put on your clothing
Cockie farmer
a Cockie cockroach
ga day Cobber welcome close freind
got no Coin got no money
Chunder vomit
get them to Come across try to get someone over to your way of thinking
Cakehole your mouth
Clanger someone tell a real big lie OR a shock
Cri-key ! surprise at something
Cunning as a shithouse rat someone is very cunning and under handed
may your Chooks turn into emus and kick your shithouse down - statement you can make when, you're not very happy with what someone has done to you
Corroboree aboriginal festival dance
Cruddy something of low quality
Curly nickname for a bald person
Camp oven Large cast iron pot with a lid, for cooking on a open fire
Clobber Clothes
Chuck throw something OR vomit
Compo Compenation (Worker's Compenation)
Cooee call for greeting someone at a distance in the bush
Cozzie swimming costume (NSW)
Crook ill OR something that is not functioning
Cut lunch sandwiches
Chalkie teacher
Crack onto to make a pass at/chat up
Cop it sweet to get what's coming to you, with out try to get back at them
Cow-tow bow and scrape to someone
Carpetbagger steak beef stuff with oysters
Claytons something of questionable intergrety, a fake
Conk to hit someone
Cleanskin unbranded cattle OR not a criminal
to make a Crust to earn a living, work for wages
you're a Candy you're sweet
not worth a Crumpet something is worthless
you need to take a Cut lunch where you going is a long walk
Cheese & kisses the missus, you wife
Crockery teeth
Cherio cocktail sausage
Catch me fuck me Rugby League football
Cod's male testicles
Clocked someone you're hit someone
mad as a Cut snake someone very upset, that could do anything
Coldie a cold beer
feeling Crook not feeling well
Call it a day to finnish what you have been doing for the day
Cheeky someone who is having fun with you and teasing you in a fun way
Cooee someone calling out so that the voice will travel over a distance
things are Crock in musselbrook thing are not going to well for you, not going right
Cackyhander left handed person
Cushie to have it easy
Couch potato person watching to much TV and doing nothing else
another nail in the Coffin you are smoking another cigarette
Christmas grip someone has hold of your testicles
Cobber good friend
China old friend
Chocker a block something is full
going to the Can going to ther tiolet
Can it be quiet or stop it
Cupper-nuser have another cup of tea
Chrissie Christmas
going to the Dunny off to the toilet
Dinki-di something good from a Australia OR originating from downunder
going to your Dig is going to your home the place you live
you are a Dingo you are cunning bad person
you are a Dobber the person has told someone else what you've been up to
you are Drover's dog you no good, you a useless, you are of no importance
Donger a mans penis
if you are a Drip you are someone with no personality, no character, boring
spending all your Doe spending all your money
up the Duff pregnant
you are a Dag you say they are the shit that hangs the wool on the rear end of a sleep OR a freindly endearment(the trick is knowing which one they mean, check to see if they a smiling)
OR to describe unfashionable way of dressing
Daggy something that looks very bad
Dropped your guts you have farted
its a Done Deal its something finnished or completed
Dilly-bag food bag or small bag to carry things
haven't seen you in Donkey's years you haven't seen someone in a real long time
Drink with the flies to drink alone
your Dial your face
Deadset without a doubt
Dead cert absolute certainly
Dill someone that is not to smart
Do-dar or Doo-dah something or item you do not know the name of is a do-dar
Dead marine empty beer bottle
see you a Divvy see you in a very sort time
Dropped your bundle you lost control of the situation, and finding it hard to get it sorted out ,finding it hard to cope with things(Bundle a load you carry)
Drop of the perch glass of beer
Dunlop cheque cheque that bounced(the bank bid not except, return to you) rubber
Damp squib someone who is not thinking to well, a bit of a dub (squib was a small firecracker, a damp squib is one that doesn't go off) so I guess they saying your not firing to well
Dry as a dead dingo's donger drought OR very dry climate(who ever started this one,had a strange pass time)
noisy as a Dunny door in a storm something or someone making a continues noise
Digger Australian soldier
Dunny budgie a fly
Dodgy something suspicious and underhanded is going on
Doesn't know if it's pitt street or christmas to be confused (a country bloke confused at all the lights of Sydney's Pitt Street
he's got the Darling pea behave strangely, OR insane (it's a plant that causes some strange behavior mainly in animals that eat it)
you Drongo! idiot, someone that is stupid
Dud-dropper one who sells cheap stuff as good stuff, implying that it's cheap because it fell off the back of a truck. stolen
Dudder con-man, won't pay bill's
I've been Dudded! someone's conned you, cheated you
Damper flour and water bread mix cooked in the coals of a camp fire
Dijeridu Aboriginal wind musical instrument
Divvy van Police divisional van
Donk car or boat engine or motor bike
Dork fool or idiot
Dover a bush knife
Dog and bone telephone
Dead horse tomato sauce
Docket a bill, receipt
Durry cigarette
Dingbat someone who is a fool or acting foolist
here's the Deal prepare yourself to hear some important facts
Dog's Breakfast a mess or messy
who cut the dog in half? someone has farted
Dacks trousers or shorts
Doona like a quilt, used instead of blankets (containing feathers and down)
Dust Devilwind whirly or dust twister
Dogs eyemeat pie
Dilly Dally someone that taking there time to go someone where
Duck's Dinner drinking with nothing to eat
get the Drum on that get the truth on that
Durry cigarette
Dosh money
the Ducks guts some things really great (don't ask me why)
Dutch courage having a few (alcohol) drinks before doing something or
going somewhere to give you courage
getting a good Earbashing someone talking to you a long time
Elbow grease working hard (digging etc)
I could Eat a horse, and chase the jockey you are very very hungry
Esky large insulated box which you put ice bricks in, to keep food and drink cold(beer)
Evo evening
the day the Eagle shits pay day
phone is Engaged phone is busy
Face fungus man's beard, hair on the face
Five finger discount shoplifting
Fibber someone who tell lies
Funny farm mental institution
Full as a boot drunk
Flat chat or Flat out going very fast what ever they're doing
Fat chance someone has little to no chance of something happening
Fair dinkum someone really genuine
Fair enough OK you are right, I agree about something
Fag a cigarette
go to the Flicks you off to the cinema
Flaked out laid down for a rest or fell down from over doing it
Flaming thing or Flaming good time extra bad or extra good
you are a Fruit cake you are mentally unstable
Fella person or a male(whitefella or blackfella are not to be used as they reckon its racist, I've never heard it used this way in either way, only when one race wanted to get to know the other in a friendly way, any way don't use it) and no I,m not racist, I have more respect for their culture than my own, yes I'm a whitefella. (old fella) a man's penis
Fossicking hunting for gemstones etc(usually opals or sapphires)
you Front someone you asked them what they're hiding
Fair crack of the whip! give me a fair go
Floater meat pie floating in thick pea soup (South Australia) sounds bad but it's great on a cold night
give it the Flick you throw it away
I suppose it was Fred nerk I suppose it was someone imaginary
Fair-go Mate! statement you make when someone is not letting you do or say something
Fair suck of the sav statement you make when someone is not letting you do or say something
Flash as a rat with a gold tooth dressed and groomed nicely
like a Fish on a hock you are really caught on something OR caught by something OR into something
Fanny females private part
Footy Ozzie Rules Football
Footbrawl northerners term for Ozzie Rules Football
Flake Shark meat, used in Fish and Chip shops
in Full Feather in real good health
Fair crack of the whip said when someone has done or said something wrong or not correct, or going to.(to let them know, you know)
Fart-arse around you not getting on with the job at hand, and doing other things
Fair suck of the sav giving someone an equal chance (sav is a savaloy a type of sausage)
Fitz a large sausage used for cutting into slices for sandwiches or to eat with salad(SA)
Flake shark meat, used in fish and chip shops
Fruiterer one who sells fruit and vegetables
Full as a Fairy's phone book something that is not at all empty
Fridee Friday
Frocks older ladies Dresses
Flasher pervs who expose their private parts in public
Flat out like a lizard drinking doing something very fast
Flog to sell something
Full of it someone who loves themself and speaking absolute rubbish
Full of shit speaking absolute rubbish
Fairy Floss cotton candy
Freshie freshwater crocodile
Franger condom
Flicks movie or picture theatre
old Fart someone a little old then yourself
you're a Fruit cake they are saying you are mental or seem to be
you are a Galah loud, rudely behaved person
Ga day or G 'day a freindly welcome (same as hello or hi)
Gasbag talking alot
what's your Game what are you up to, something going on that is wrong
Good oh okay
Guffing off someone who is lazy
Grizzle complaining person
down the Gurgler down the plug hole, something has failed
I need to Go ! you want to go to the tiolet
Gone round the bend gone crazy or mental
you dirty Grub dirty eater or dirty child
go eat some Grub go eat some food
the Good oil on it is to tell the truth on something
Ga darn or G'darn surprise at something
Gibber a large rock or a desert
Grazier sheep or cattle farmer (usually in a big way)
Grouse something is great,terrific
Goog a egg (he's got a big goog on is head) he's a bump on the head as big as a egg
full as a Goog drunk or eaten to the excess
you are a Grot you are very dirty or untidy
you've got a Gy-mpy leg you leg is not working, its damaged
Good on ya Mate! you are happy with what they are doing
Gew-gaw ! showy, gaudy but cheap & useless(shock at the gaudy cheapness)
you're Game if you have a go at something others think or find difficult, they say you"re Game or brave
have a Gander have a look
Garbo Garbage collector
Give it away give up on something
Grog alcohol
that's Grouse something is very good
Gutzer or Gutsa to fall over and hurt yourself or plan that does not work out
it's a Goer someting that will definitely occur, that you have been trying to make happen
hop into the Grub start eating food
Good as Gold! something is great
it's a Goer something that will definitely occur
have a Gander have a look around at something
come off the Grass!! do you think I'm stupid or gullible
Going like hot cakes something selling or given away very fast
Gregory peck your neck
Gone to the dogs something or someplace, is no longer any good
Green around the Gills your are feeling queezy or sick
what a Goose! Someone that is not to smart, silly
Gumsucker someone who lives in the state of Victoria
down the Gurgler down the plughole
spill your Guts confess to something
Grid a cattle grate over a road
he's a Gun at something he's the best at something
Goer something that works well
Garbo refuse collector
Gromies young surfs
Give way yield(driving on the road) (not slang)
a Hoon a show-off with limited intelligence
Humpy bush dwelling of cheap construction
Howzat ? asking someone how something is
Humping something heavy caring something heavy usually very hard or having sex
Hardcase someone with closed mind, but they might not think so
Haggle you try to talk the price down
Happy as larry you extremely over joyed (no it was before my day)
Hit the Hay OR Hit the sack go to bed to sleep
Hair of the dog strong alcohol
put Hairs on ya chest someone that if you eat this or drink this you will become a man
Holy-dooly an expression of surprise
Hang out spending time out, usually with friends
Hit your kick open your wallet
Hot under the collar to get angry
Hoo-roo saying goodbye to someone
Happy as a pig in mud very happy
Handles like a dog on lono your car or what ever handles very badly
Happy as a bastard on father's day unhappy, depressed
Half your luck! congratulation in a envios way
Hang on a tick wait for minute
Heart starter having a alcoholic drink usually early in the morning
Heave Ho get rid of something
I've been Had you've been tricked or created
going on Holls going on holidays
Hollow leg's someone who will not stop eating
Ivories your teeth (to tickle ivories) to play the piano
something is bit Iffy its risky or suspect
you give me the Irrits they're extremely irritating
Idiot box television set
Illywhacker a stick for smacking a child with(not allowed to do anymore) I guess it makes you ill, when you get hit. (not something I enjoyed as a kid)
you give me Irrits you are very irritating
Iffy something is questionable
Interesting !!!! used when someone asks how something looks or tastes and it is terrible
see you in a Jiffy they see you in a short time
any old Joe blow will tell you any one you don't even know will tell you (someone you do not know the name of)
I will Job you! I will hit you or punch you
had to use the Jerry its a pot under the bed if you need to go in the middle of the night
the thing is Jigged its broken or no long useful
I will fix your Jack and Jill I will pay your bill, usually in a restaurant
Just down the road someone says this, ask for more details because this could be 100
yards to a 1000 miles away
Jocks male underpants
Jumper usually a woolen a sweater
Jumbuck sheep
Journo journalist
Jaked broken
Jack of that you a feed up with something
down the John off to the tiolet
Jackaroo or Jillaroo trainee male or female Cattle Station hand
bye Jingos! exclamation of wonder
Jack-in-the-box someone who can not sit still
Joe Bloggs you are refering to the average citizen
Jaffle toasted sandwich (toasty toast)
Jack Dancer Cancer
Joe Blake a snake
Jarmies Pyjamas, bed clothes
Joker a male person, that you are unsure about
I going for a Kip short rest or sleep or nap
Knock shop a house of prostitution
she Knocked me back she didn't want to have sex with you
she's Knocked up she is pregnant
I Knocked off work time to go home from work
Knock something you criticise it
Knock-off a counterfeit product
get Knotted! is a angry way of say go now
you Kick the bucket you are dead
pack your Kit pack up all your belongings or your possessions
Kiwi someone who live in New Zealand (New Zealander)
you Know! mostly used by people who do not know what they are talking about, and hope you do (habit phrase some aussies use on the end of a sentence)
you must have Kangaroos loose in the top paddock you going a little crazy
Kafuffle argument Or a disturbance
Keen as mustard enthusiastic about something
Knackers male testicles
Knickers female underwear
what do you Know? someone is try to open a discussion with you, in a friendly way
Kindy kindergarden
Kark to die
Kangaroo court people judging you in what they think you are doing wrong
cunning Kick hiding money from the wife
Kick in contribute money to something
Kick put money a side for later
Kafuffle a disturbance of somekind
Lav or Lavvy outdoor tiolet
take a Leak go to the tiolet
Lippie lipstick
Liquid amber Beer
Lashing out going on a spending spree
hit my Lolly or do your Lolly hit your head or shouting and raving in a angry way (loosing you head)
ga day Luv substitute for the womans name in a freindly way
use your Loaf use your head, think about it
help you get a Leg up someone is going to help you get started at something (usually when you are new to something)
Lob-in on someone your've visited someone unnounced
Lights on but there's no one home someone not to smart
as Long as a month of sundays a very long time (28 - 31 weeks)
a Lemon something that is faulty OR broken OR bad OR useless (that you are stuck with)OR a lesbian
you Leading me up the garden path someone is try to deceive you, but you are not waking up to it
Laughing gear your mouth
how Long is a piece of string? this statement is said when someone ask you when something will be finnished, and it's one of those jobs that is finished when it's finnished(can not determine a time)
Lame-brained someone that is stupid
Lolly money
on a good Lurk on to a good thing or job
Lag Inform, dob
Lamingtons sponge cakes coated in chocolate and coconut grated(genuine aussie cake
Lollywater soft drink
Lady muck a woman who puts on airs of a grand lady, usually badly(stuck up)
Lady blamey a beer glass made from the bottom half of a beer bottle
Long drink of water someone who is tall
Long neck large bottle of beer
Lie doggo hide away, to get out of something
Lag on someone inform on someone
Lolly's candy
Lolly money
Lugs ears
Lift Elevator (not slang)
Mate friend
Matilda your sleeping bag or bed roll for camping out
Milk bar the corner shop that sells all sorts(mainly food)
Missus your wife
Mozzie mosquito
Mystery bag sausage (never know what the butcher put in it)
Mug your face
you are a Mug you are a fool
Mad as a cut snake you gone crazy
gone up the Mulger gone bush, gone to the country not touched by man
Mollydooker a left hander
Moosh your mouth
I was just Mucking around you where playing around in a way that others generally don't like
More of them, then you can poke a stick at a lot of something
you look like a stunned Mullet dazed OR you mind is off thinking about something else
Manchester household linen
Middy or Middie 285 ml beer glass (NSW)
Mob group of people or things, not necessarily unruly
things are crook in Musclebrook times are bad (theres no such place as Musclebrook)
I have been told that Musclebrook does really exist, founded in 1833 named because of the shellfish,
renamed Muswellbrook(NSW) in 1839.
Min Min mysterious lights at night in the outback
plates of Meat your feet
Mundee Monday
Mutt dog that is a bitser
away with the Pixies day dreaming
Muff female private part
Mexican someone from the State of Victoria
Mackers Mc Donald's
you got a good Nick you got a good name
you're in the Nick you are naked
you're in the Nuddy you are naked
Nick off go now, get lost
Nick steal something
something in good Nick something in good shape and condition
Nickers females underpants
I'm Nackered absolutely exhausted or very tied
Nockers women's breasts
Narkie short tempered
gone out to the Never Never gone out in to the bush, usually off the beaten track,
gone off in our native country sides not developed by man
No-hoper someone who is hopeless
Nana banana
Nacked annoyed
Neddie a horse
Nulla-nulla wooden club used by Aborigines (made from very heavy and hard wood called Blackbut)
Not until the other shoe drops have thought about (what ever) but I will need to think or decide about it somemore
Nuggets man's testicles
Nappy diaper (not slang)
it's on the Nose someething stinks
Noggin head or brains
Naughty sexual intercourse
Noah's ark a shark
Nong idiot
Not backward in coming forward someone is pushy about doing something, eager to do something
Never Never mythical place in the outback
Ocker Aussie that likes beer, sport and women and uncultured
good On ya mate well done there mate
Ooroo goodbye
Oz Australia
Outback remote part of Australia
Once over giving something the look over or checking it out
One armed bandit poker machine (sad to say the arm is being replaced by a button)
bun in the Oven pregnant
Off the beaten Track on a road not used very much, to no road at all or in a remote part of Australia
Off like a brides nightie leave very quickly OR a stinks
Oldies parents
Off like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun leaving very quickly
Off-sider assistant or partner
Oy! a Aussie bush call
Ow-yar-goin how are you going?
Overlander driving sheep or cattle overlong distance in the outback
Out house tiolet (coming from the old days when a tiolet was down the backyard
Old's parents
Prang automotive crash
Pull your head in mate tell them to mind their own business
Put up or shut up show you can do it or say it or keep quite
you are Raw Prawn you are easy to deceive
Postie Postman, mail delivery person
you Pong you smell or have a unpleasant odour
Pissed as a parrot drunk
Pissed off you are angry or unhappy with something
Perk at work something good your employer supplies for nothing as a part of your job(and the taxman wants apart of)
Playing Pussum you are hiding yourself or try to keep something from someone
Pot hole hole in the road
Prawn shrimp (that's right we don't put a shrimp on the barbie, that's just advising to con you in to come here, no Aussie but hogan has ever said it)
Pull the belt in stop spending money
Pull your socks up get you life in orderOR your act together
Pub hotel, place for buying and drinking alcohol
Plonk real cheap alcohol
Prezzies gifts
the Pot calling the kettle black someone said something adverse about you and you reply with this slang phrase (which says that they are the same or worse then thier adverse statement)
Pigs bum that's wrong, or incorrect
Pussy domestic cat OR a females private part
I'll put the cowsout on the long Paddock you putting cows out on the road
Pally on friendly terms with someone
Pearl excellent
Pester annoy or bother someone
Piffle nonsense
Pinch to arrest
it Pivot's on to consider
Poddy dodger cattle rustler
Possie advantageous position, in good spot
Pot 285 ml glass of beer (VIC & Qld)
you feel like a Pork chop in a Jewish Synogogue you feel out of it, in what ever situation
pack of Poo tickets toilet paper
talking on the Porcelain telephone vomiting into a toilet (driving the Porcelain bus)
Piker someone who does not want to do, what the rest of the group want to do
Pash or Pashing kissing and cuddling
Paw-paw Queensland papaya fruit (tropical)
Paper yabber letter
Push-bike Bicycle
as Proud as a rat with a gold tooth someone is very proud with how they look or something have done
Pommy or Pom english person
Pat-malone you are on your own, alone
Puffed you are out of breath
your Plate of meat your feet
Pie floater a meat pie floating in pea soup(mash), usually with lots of sauce (traditional aussie tucker)
Playing Pussum pretending you are doing something, when you are not. usually pretending to sleep, when you are not.
away with the Pixies day dreaming
Piss and wind futile excercise
Piddle urinate
Piece of Piss something is easy
don't Piss in my Pocket someone telling you their troubles, that you are not interested
Pocket billiards male with in hand in his pocket adjusting genertals
Pussyfoot to move on doing something to cautiously
Pull your head in mind yor own business in a angry way
alot on the Plate you have a lot to do
Quid money
Quack doctor
not the full Quid short on brains
Rip off you been cheated
it's a Ripsnorter something is really great
I been doing a Roaring trade you been doing a lot of bussiness
Righto okay or that's right
Ridgie didge true or genuine article
Rellie relative or family
it's a Ripper it's really great
Ringin replacement for the real thing, imposter
Reckon you are right believe or think you're right
Raining cats'n'dogs heavy storm & rain
smells Ripe smells off or bad
Rack off go now, in an angry way, get lost
Rapt overjoyed
Root sex
Rafferty's Rules every thing is a mess and mixed up, done all wrong, with no rules at all
you got the Rough end of the pineapple you got a bad deal or you bad end of something, the deal
the Rag newspaper OR a women who sleeps around
you'd have to Run around in a the shower to get wet you are very thin
Ringer fast sheep shearer
Road train multi-trailered semi truck
Rooted very tired
Ropable very ill tempered or angry
RS lousy (rat shit)
Rug up dress warmly
Rack off you are asked to leave, in a angry way
Ratbag not a nice person
Racing off sex with someone else's wife or husband
putting the Red steer into the paddock burning off the paddock, putting fire to the paddock
don't come the Raw prawn don't tell me that lie or don't be act stupid
Rug Rat baby
wouldn't it Rot your socks! expression of disgust
Ring anus
Rip snorter something is great
Rubber eraser
Ripe something has gone off or someone is off (not very nice)
Sanger or Sanga Sandwich
Sandgroper someone who lives a the state of Western Australia (very sandy state)
you've been Sacked you been fired from work
Scone your head
great Australian Salute swatting flies
Short and curlies pubic hair
when someone states they (got you by the short and curlies) you're and a bad position
going for a Slash a man is going to urinate
up the Spout pregnant
Stone the crows! Shock at something
Smoko have a break, and usually having something to eat and drink, and have a cigarette if you are allowed to, usually this get you a spot out side near the rubbish bin at work
you Scrub-up well you are now dressed, hair done nice, you look good, where you didn't
She,ll be right! this means everything at all will be good or OK or all right
no Sweat no worries
I'll Sort it you'll fix it what ever it is
I don't give a Stuff you don't care about something
my Shout buying friends alcohol (usually beers) at a pub (then its their turn to buy you one,
one sure way to get drunk, especialy if there is enough of you)
Strewth shock at something
good Sport someone who is good about loosing
a Shark used car salesman
you look pretty Swank you look dressed expensive, dressed well etc
something looks Swank something looks expensive
cheap Skate someone will not spend money or tight wad
Sit on a beer take a long time to drink a beer
Spunky someone is sexy
Stickybeak someone can not mind their own business( nosy)
a Spark electrician
a Sheila a woman (not used any more other then some old timers)
Snag sausage (put a snags on the barbie) now that's what Aussie really do say(no bl...y shrimp)
Spud a potato
your've been Sprung you been caught doing something they should not, busted
Shack a simple dwelling or house
Silly Season Christmas holiday's
Slippery-dip kids slide
Stick in the mud someone is stopping you from doing something, you say this statement
Spit the dummie you gettiing or got very up set at something
Snakey someone is very up set or angry
Show you the ropes show you how to do a job
call a Spade a Spade telling something like is, not saying something good if its not , or bad
if its good
you Scrubber you're of poor quality and don't keep yourself clean
Scubber a farm animal gone bush
taking a Sickie taking time off work , with the reason of sickness, but you are well, and just going fishing or something you do in good health(its become quintiscential thing that makes us Aussie)
Stubby small bottle of beer OR a pair of mens shorts
Scallops fried potato cakes (Qld), Shellfish (elsewhere)
School group of drinkers, each of whom buys a round
Schooner large beer glass (NSW & SA)
See you in the Soup see you around
Shellacking complete defeat
Shivoo rowdy party
Shonky unreliable a very suspect deal
Shoot through to leave in a hurry
Shove off! go away, said in a angry way
Shirty to get upset or angry
Skite to boast or brag about ones personal accomplishments
Slog hard work
what a Spunk (Spunky) good-looking, attractive
Square off to apologise
Squatter someone who live on someone else's land or house with out permission
Stinger Box Jellyfish
Strine alot of Aussie slang said at once
Swag canvas bag or cover that you keep all your belonging and bedroll in, to protect it from the weather when camping out
Slow as a wet weekend you doing something very slowly, and they trying to get you moving on it at a faster pace
Sausage Short of the barbecue short of brains (a Snag Short of a barbie)
Stroppy someone in a bad mood, and being difficult
Strides trousers
Shark biscuit new surfers
to Scrounge to get something for free
to Scrounge around to furious look for something
Shag Sex with someone
Speedo's bather's
Slugo's mens bather's (speedo's)
Scungies bather's
dick Stickers bather's
Stuffed very tired
Scarce as hen's teeth something extremely rare
Square off get ready for a fight
Square up apologise or make good
he had to run around in the Shower to get wet someone is very skinny
a Septic tank American (not nice)
Seppo American
a Shag on a rock a lone and stuck away from others
pull up Stumps moving home, changing address
Shank's pony going some where by foot
Squib out you are backing out of something, chickening out
wouldn't Shout in a shark attack will not take is turn buying the drinks in a bar, will not shout is turn
Short arms long pockets someone will not part with is money
have a Squiz at have a look at something
Satdee Saturday
Sundee Sunday
Slats window slats or roofing slats (tiles)
Sandshoes joggers, sneakers, trainers
Snapping log crocodile
Sheila a young woman
you a big Sook! your are very sensitive, and upset over nothing
a Slab pack of 24 cans of beer
well Stacked large breasted women
Sloppy joe a cotton sweater
Servo service station for cars
Spun out or Spin me out surprised and amazed
Spewin or Spewing being sick or being very disappointed at something
Suck it and See going to try do something that you think is going to be troubles but may not be
Spit the dummy loosing your temper
Stuck around someone is staying somewhere (hanging around)
Suss it out check something out
gone for a Slash a male urinating
lower than a Snake's armpit someone very underhanded
Saltie saltwater crocodile
Stormstick umbrella
Scarce as rocking horse shit something very rare
Schnozz nose
out of the Sack get up from bed
Singlet under shirt or tanktop
Stirrer someone who causes trouble
Stunded mullet to describe some who does not seem to be with it
he's got Tickets on himself this person thinks they are the greatest, highly self opinionated
hang on a Tick wait a short moment
Thunder box toilet
Ta or Tar thanks
Tucker food
Tuckshop Aussie schools call a canteen or cafateria or eatery
Tuckerbag a bag for storing food in the bush
Tinnie can of cold beer or a aluminum boat
crack a Tinnie open a can of cold beer
a couple of Tinnies short of a slab someone a bit simple minded, or mentally impaired
Turn it up stop what your say or doing as its not right
you Tight wad you don't want to part with your money
make Tracks you want to get going somewhere
Thongs sandals made from rubber
True blue really Australian
Thingo something you don't know the name of is a thingo
to Talk the leg off an iron pot someone with the gift of the gab (someone who talks
going Twenty to the dozen moving or doing something very fast, or to fast
Thugby southerners term for Rugby League Football
Tea evening meal
Tee up organise or arrang something
Too right! something is absolutely right & correct
Two-up traditional Australian heads or tails gambling game with two coins
Taswegain someone who lives in the state of Tasmania
Top-ender someone who lives in the Northern Territory
Thing-a-ma-jigger term you use when you can't actually remember the name of something
Thing-eme-bob term you use when you can't actually remember the name of something
Tides gone out your glass is not full
Tightarse someone who will not part with is money, shout a drink in a bar, etc
Tuesdee Tuesday
Thursdee Thursday
bush Telly looking up at the stars
Toey someone very nervous
Tallie 750ml large bottle of beer
Twenty to the dozen doing something very quickly
Up yourself full of yourself
Underdaks or undees underpants
Um-ah indecisive or can be doing something wrong
Uee or Uwe doing a U turn
someone got Up your nose they've really upset you and irritated and annoying you
Uni University
Ute utility (in the USA a pickup truck)
Up the gumtree someone that got them self in a spot of trouble, in a quandary
get the frog untied to depart or leave, hit the road
Up shit creek things are going wrong for you
Vegies vegetables
Verbal diarrhoea talking utter rubbish
you must have been Vaccinated with a gramophone needle! old slang phrase for talking to much
Wanker a male that is really stupid but they think they are the greatest
Walkover something is done easily or some one deceived easily
I got the Wog I got a cold or the flue or virus
Whip around collecting money for a gift for someone leaving work
car is a Write off the car can not get fixed after a crash (totalled)
You had a great Wing-ding you had a great party or get together or sometimes can mean an argument
something is Wobbly its shaky
chucked a Wobbly you told a story that doesn't sound quite true, OR throwing a tantrum (inWA)
Gone for a Walkabout you gone for a long walk, for a aboriginal it a holiday away in the bush, period of spiritual enlightenment.
I put a bit of Woffle dust on it if you are playing card or dice and you are looking for bit of luck say you,re put a little Woffle dust on it, theres no such thing and you don,t actually put any dust on your cards or dice, it's just slang for luck.
What's that!! you didn't catch what someone was saying, and you want them to say it again.
Wowser killjoy or prude, old fashioned
White pointer highway patrol
White pointers lady sunbaking topless
Wag skip school, truency
Wonky something is unstable or unsteady or shaky
put the Wind up ya! frighten someone OR to intimidate
Who-ha someone is making a fuss about something, usually nothin important
go down the Waterhole off to the hotel or pub
Wally someone who keeps making mistakes
Waffle nonesense
on the Wallaby track to go from place to place in search of work
Weatherboard wooden house
the Wet rainy season in Northern Australia
Wharfie dockworker
Winge complain and carry on unnecessarily
Willy-nilly something kept in a untidy way
Woomera stick used by Aborigines to throw spears
Wedding tackle man's penis
Willy man's penis
Willy Willywind whirly or dust twister
it will all come out in the Wash something will sort it's self over time
how's ya Warwick farms? How are your arms
Walking ticket layed off from your job
Woop woop somewhere a long way from civilization
give it a Whirl to try doing something, by giving it your best
on a good Wicket on to a good thing life OR earning a good income
you're Wombat! you are not too smart, a dope
putting on the Wobbly boot you're drunk, you have had to much to drink (alcohol)
backroom Waltz discipline dished out at the Police Station
Wouldn't be dead for quids you're very happy and well
Wrapped excited about something good that has happened
Waterhole pub or hotel
Watering the horse going to urinate
no Worries mate! don't worry about it, everything is fine(Australian Attitude)
could get out of a Wet paperbag someone is not to strong or smart
have a Winfield wait a minute or two, for something to happen or someone to get back to you. Other words have a cigarette and by the time you finnished the time will be up (Winfield is a type of cigarette)
x it out cross it out or erase something
hard Yakka hard work
tell you a Yarn tell a story that maybe true or it might not be, that's for them to work out
Yapping talking none stop
Yahoo loudmouthed person which usually out of control in some way
Yobbo same as a yahoo but no values at all, looks like a slob always
see you Yewse latter see you you all latter
Yabbie freshwater Australian crayfish
Ya tellin me someone said something you agree with, you say thatis
Yank American
Yacking talking a lot
your Yanking my chain or don't Yank my chain your telling a lie
Yarn Someone telling a fictional story
Yonks a long period of time
catch some ZZZ's go for a sleep
Zonked really really tied
Zebra crossing broad striped paint lines as a pedestrain crossing of a roadway
Zits acne
Zack was a sixpence which is now a five cents